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ppp cove 06 - criminals on vacation
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ex-husband? Did her son hold a grudge? Was it another show dog owner trying to knock out the competition? She knew the police would consider the case pretty much closed, but she owed it to her friend to help her figure out what had been going on. After the dog napping, Poppy was more than certain her car had actually been taken and brought back. Somebody was messing with her, but who? And why only take her car for a few minutes? Did they want her to think she was losing her marbles?
    It seemed odd that somebody would post that kind of job on an ad. Weren’t they worried law enforcement might pick up on it? And they placed an ad on what, Craigslist, or something similar? Was there an underground version, a list where criminals went to list jobs? How do you even learn about places like that? She was speculating, obviously, but it opened an entire new world to Poppy. Stealing dogs didn’t seem like a thing, but apparently it was. Was it for the value of the dog or payback?
    Driving over to her friend’s house, she noted Carmella’s car in the driveway. The police car was just pulling away. She hoped her friend answered. She ran up to the door and pressed the bell, and waited for her friend. After what felt like forever, the door opened. “Anastasia’s home,” she squealed, holding her dog. “She’s back. Back where she belongs with Mommy. I’m not letting her out of my sight. And you can bet I won’t rest until I figure out who did this.”
    “Yeah, they have the guys that did the actual theft, but they wouldn’t talk to me when I asked who hired them. I was pretty sure they didn’t do it for themselves. They said it was based on some ad, they had a reputation, and the person, it sounds like a guy was going to pay them via a PO Box. I have no idea at what post office or what the terms were. I also have no idea where  or when they were going to transfer the dog.” She filled her in on everything that had transpired. “Why don’t we make a list of possibilities? It has to be somebody you know.”
    “I’ll bet it was Peter. I know it was,” she grumbled. “He’s on the top of the list, but how do I prove it?”
    “Okay, let’s figure out who else is a possibility.” Poppy guided her along, so they didn’t narrow the scope too much. “What about your son?”
    Carmella gasped. “What? Why would you even say that?”
    “Didn’t you say he was jealous of how you treated Anastasia?” she quizzed.
    “But he’d never,” her jaw dropped. “He knows how much she means to me.”
    “Right, let’s forget him, though writing his name down wouldn’t hurt anything. It’s just a list of ideas. Who else? What about other dog show people? Do you have local competition?”
    “Harley Jettison,” she said with a groan. “He could be the answer. He’s always bitter when Anastasia outranks his own Buttercup, but it’s not my fault she’s not as pristine as my girl.”
    “Okay, let’s put his name down. Is there anybody else you can think of?” It was going to be a long road, and they might not find an answer, but at least it gave her some focus. If Carmella felt like she was in control of the situation, it might keep her out of trouble. The last thing they needed was for her to cause a scene, marching into her ex-husband’s face and threatening him or accusing him of something he might not have done. 
    “I don’t know.” Her burst of adrenalin was stalling. “What if it happens again? She’s my baby.”
    “She’s here now. Just make sure you stay with her when you put her out, and hopefully we’ll find some answers.”
    “Oh, I’m going to get one answer very soon. I’ll demand Peter tell me everything! I’m going over as soon as he’s home from work. Do you want to come with me?” She looked over at Poppy.
    “Oh boy, I don’t think that’s a good idea. And tonight, I can’t. My brother is coming by, something about some news. I have to stop at the store. I just wanted to check in with
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