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Pippa's Rescue
Book: Pippa's Rescue Read Online Free
Author: JJ Keller
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, spicy, Valkyrie, Valhalla
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again. “Sometimes you’re such a child.”
    He removed his leather gloves, tucked them into the band of his trousers, and touched her face. “Don’t mistake me, Phillipa, I’m all man.”
    Puffs of air shot from her mouth as she stared into his face. A soft blush colored her cheeks. The thin black jacket claiming Horse Rescue Ranch directly over her heart lifted and lowered with each deep breath.
    For a brief second her cheek rubbed against his newly calloused hand, but she quickly shot upright and licked her pink, shiny lips. She took a step back, until the stall wall stopped her. “Don’t mistake me for a fool. I don’t know where my brother is, so don’t try to romance the information from me.”
    He shoved his rejected hand into his jeans’ pocket. “I haven’t figured out how your mind works yet.”
    She drew away. “Nor will you. Come along. I’ve the trailer hitched and the motor’s running.”
    Taking a few long steps, she whirled around and strutted through the exit. Her sexy tight ass, illuminated by the light filtering through the open barn doors, mesmerized him. “My motor’s running too, honey, and I’m sure we can hitch a ride together,” he mumbled and followed.
    The sight wasn’t unusual, but nausea clogged Pippa’s throat all the same. A gray-and-white mottled horse, not bigger than twelve hands, quivered. A veterinarian sewed a gaping wound on the poor equine’s backside. Several older whip flicks had healed on his beautiful white nose, leaving behind sharp pink grooves. Other smaller gouges covered his back, but the wound on his hindquarters was the worst.
    “Hiya, Pip, I’m almost done.” The vet never broke his concentration. “This guy’s about three years old and appears as if most of those years have been under the whip or stick, but those are older. I’ve sedated him, so the travel should be calm. His wounds will heal, but I think you might want to keep him longer before putting him on the roster. He needs to learn to trust humans again.” Doc nodded his gray head. Lines formed on his sweet face as he finished tying off the thread.
    The smile he cast her was forced. Her friend hated animal abuse as much as she. Besides that, no doubt most of the community had seen the newspaper declaring her brother a suspect in several scam cases. Lenders had been beating at her door the past few weeks. Would people connect her financially poor state with her brother’s misdeeds and force smiles as if all was right with the world?
    “Sure. He’s welcome at our ranch for as long as possible.” She shut her mouth. Unbelievable. She’d let a statement hinting of financial trouble get into the public forum.
    He glanced behind her and obviously finding the way clear, said, “Heard about Dave. Anything I can do to help?”
    Tears welled as she shook her head. “I’ll manage. Thanks.” She nodded toward the horse. “Did you get enough evidence to put the assaulter away?”
    He winked. “You know it. I’ll do my best to help him get years of prison time. Hopefully, we’ll have a break and some of these two-legged monsters will not be allowed to own animals.”
    Pippa nodded, all she could do because heartache closed her throat. The torture this poor horse had to endure. Doc Palmer gathered his tools and black bag. He passed behind her and touched her arm in a reassuring manner.
    “What’s his name?” Croaked words came from deep down. She had to shake off the moroseness and thank a higher power that the man responsible had been caught.
    “Don’t know. There weren’t any papers.” He tipped his head toward Basil, standing to her right. “New guy?”
    She nodded. Basil must have picked up on her anxiety and inability to carry on a conversation because he stepped forward and extended a hand. “Basil Vanguard, new volunteer for Horse Rescue Ranch.”
    Doc gave his hand a shake. “Doctor Mark Palmer. What branch?”
    Basil’s chin went up. “Marines.”
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