recommended you don’t let everyone see you. You should only expose yourself to Vanguard.” She winced. “We had a bit of trouble getting the memories altered the last time you were entertained on Earth.”
Heat rose to Skogul’s face. She should have known their director would keep a close eye on her. Göndul had actually delivered a message reminding Skogul to keep on task. “Hey, I was just getting some ideas about how to provide new sources of entertainment for Odin’s staff.”
“That may be, but this time stay on task.” Göndul stretched her neck like an ostrich, extending it forward, then pulling it back into place. She was at the end of her patience. If she folded her hands on her lap, Skogul was doomed.
Frak, this assignment was going to be a pain. Why had she been given the challenge and why were Kiara and Harrison here? “Basil won’t remember me. After I took Harrison from Earth, all his memories of me being there and of Harrison being taken to Asgard had been erased.”
“Kiara and Harrison will tell you about Basil’s activities and act as backup.”
“I have to bring him to Valhalla?” Skogul disbelieving shook her head.
“That is your mission.”
“How long do I have to ah…convince Basil of the importance of accepting this invitation?” Skogul slid a glance at Harrison, letting him know there wasn’t much choice, apparently she had to travel alone and make sure she brought, er, provided a Marine.
“It won’t be easy. Vanguard is looking for Wilson, the man who betrayed our squad. And from the information I gave him, he believes Wilson killed me.” Harrison nodded, as if confirming that was the goal.
Göndul folded her hands on her lap. “If you keep your exposure to humans at a minimum, take all the time you need. Have I made that clear?
“Yes, your honor.” Skogul nodded. “Only allow people to see me when necessary and bring the obnoxious Marine to Valhalla.”
A soft giggle came from Kiara’s direction. She recognized the sarcasm. Love flowed through her; they knew each other so well.
“You will go into the situation knowledgeable. Hopefully you won’t be on Earth for long,” Göndul replied, as if the discussion part of this meeting had ended.
“Yes. I will do my best to bring Captain Vanguard to Asgard.” Skogul lowered her head, not in respect as it would indicate, rather to hide her disgust at the task. A human would not want to become an immortal and leave all of the frivolities Earth had to offer behind. The task would be impossible, but she didn’t want to know what the consequences were. If Kiara had been exiled for disobedience, who knew what would happen to her if she wasn’t successful.
“The consequences of failure are far greater than you can possibly imagine. Keep that in mind. Be careful in how you present the offer. You’ll leave tomorrow. Please let me know if you need anything. As always, I’ll keep a close watch.” Göndul strutted from the room. More than likely to get her nails sharpened.
Kiara fell to her knees in front of Skogul. “You can’t force Basil to come, yet I fear what will happen to you if you don’t.”
“I’m sorry, Skogul. But it has to be his choice. He might be happy and not want to become an immortal.” Harrison rubbed his forehead. “In addition, he’s close to finding Wilson.”
“I’m sure this is difficult for both of you.” She cupped her friend’s face. “Kiara, my destiny is unknown, but you will always remain a part of my heart. Do not worry about me. I’ll survive whatever gruesome punishment Göndul has thought to arrange. Who knows, maybe Basil will be happy to join his friend and become one of us.”
Kiara broke into sobs. Harrison drew her from the floor, and they resituated on the sofa. Dread and hope rippled across his glance before he focused on soothing his soul mate.
Hum, she must not have put enough oomph in the comment.
“Well.” Skogul rubbed her earlobe, setting the