Pickup Styx Read Online Free

Pickup Styx
Book: Pickup Styx Read Online Free
Author: Liz Schulte
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both.” I glanced at Cheney. “But both of you need to stay here.”
    Cheney’s hand paused as he was about to pick up his water glass. “You aren’t going alone.” His tone left little room for argument, and his gold eyes hardened as they gazed at me.
    I expected as much, but this wasn’t a point I was willing to negotiate on. “Kat, you’re human, and honestly, keeping you alive would make the whole journey harder.” Her face fell and I immediately felt bad. “But I can use your help. I need to figure out everything I can about the Underworld and how I can get there without dying. Would you mind doing some research?”
    She sighed. “Okay, but if you don’t come back, just know I’m climbing into my handbag and coming to get your ass.”
    I squeezed her hand, grinning. “I’d expect nothing less of you and your crazy, magical designer handbag.”
    Cheney was still scowling and he’d forgotten his half-finished food, too.
    “Cheney, you know why you can’t come. Don’t pretend like you don’t.” I’d seen it in his eyes the night before. He knew leaving the kingdom would be a mistake, and this relationship really only had room for one of us to make mistakes. So far, I had that pretty well covered.
    He gave me a steady look. “You aren’t going alone,” he repeated more quietly and more intensely.
    “Fine. I’ll wait out my five days with you guys and then turn myself over.”
    The fork he was holding bent in his hand. He set the ruined utensil on the table. “That isn’t an acceptable option either, and you know it.”
    “Neither is expecting someone else to come with me, especially if we have to die to get there.”
    Wheels were practically turning behind his eyes as he searched for the next leg of his argument. “Making any decisions now is preemptive. We don’t know how you’re getting there, what you’ll encounter, or what needs may arise. When we have more information, we’ll decide who’s going.”
    “Fine,” I said.
    “And notice, my dear, that I said we . As in you and me, not just you.”
    I shook my head. “I’m going to see if Sy has anything yet. I’ll meet you guys at the archive.”
    Outside the castle, I transported to my cousin’s bar, The Office. He was in his usual position, leaning over the counter, reading a newspaper. The Office was open 24/7 and Sy was almost always there, even when he was also someplace else. I wasn’t sure exactly how he did it, and he refused to tell me, but someday, if I lived long enough, I’d figure it out.
    He looked up.
    “Cheney can’t come with me to the Underworld,” I said, plunking down in front of him.
    Sy nodded slowly. “Is that what he said?”
    “No. He said he’s coming because I can’t go alone. But he can’t just abandon his people. He has to stay. How do I make him do that?”
    He nodded again.
    “Sy!” I said when the silence had gone on too long.
    “What? I agree with him. You shouldn’t go alone, but I also agree with you. Both of you shouldn’t go.”
    “So what am I going to do?”
    “Seems pretty obvious to me. Just find someone else.”
    I shook my head. “I can’t ask that of someone. ‘Hey, excuse me, would you mind dying to help me out of a jam I should’ve known better than to get myself into?’”
    “Sure you can. I wouldn’t word it exactly like that, but you know people who would not only be willing to help you but would make the whole journey a lot less painful. I would volunteer, but ideally you need someone who’s been there before. Someone who can lead you through.”
    I rolled my eyes. “Like I would ask you. Aunt Lorelei would never recover if she lost you.”
    “If she lost either of us,” Sy said.
    It was sweet of him, but she’d already lost me once and recovered just fine. “What if I just send Charon an email and request he overnight the pole to me? I’ll attach a picture of myself and sign it ‘xoxoxo.’ What do you think?”
    “I think it’s been too long since
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