scrubs back on.
“Whoa there, Brighten! You can’t just charge out of a storage closet. That won’t be obvious or anything.” He chuckles and it makes me murderous.
I swing around to face him pointing my finger right in his face. “You!”
“Me?” He gives me an amused smirk, so I slap him on his chest.
“You did this.”
“Yes, I guess I did. However, I’m pretty sure you were a willing participant. I believe there was some begging on your part. Unless, of course, I dreamt that.” Shrugging into his shirt looking all smug, he doesn’t even seem fazed by my outburst.
“You have some balls.”
“Two, in fact, but you know this already.”
“Ugh. You are my superior. Aren’t you supposed to set a good example?” I point out lamely.
He ponders my question for too long. “Probably, but I’ve wanted you for too long.”
I roll my eyes. “You’ve known me for about two hours. Don’t be a creep.”
“Right.” He smiles.
“Okay, well do you have a plan to get us out of here undetected?” My nerves are shot, and the thought of getting caught doesn’t provide any sort of thrill for me. This is my career I’m messing with all because my damn hormones are that of a teenage girl.
“What’s your phone number?”
“What?” I screech. “This is hardly the time for that.”
“Give me your number and I’ll go first. If anyone is out there, I’ll say I was doing inventory. That isn’t abnormal. When the coast is clear, I’ll text you.”
I nod at his plan before rattling off the number and watching his back as he goes to exit. Right before he leaves, he turns to me once more.
“Tiffany, for what it’s worth, I don’t do these types of things. This was a first.”
I take in a breath. His words do something to soothe me. “Me too,” I whisper.
At that, he turns and leaves. Two minutes later I get the all clear and hurry out of the closet.
The rest of the day goes fast, and I don’t see Dr. Chaplin again. Being that it’s Friday, and I don’t have to be back until Monday, I’ll have some time to think about the events of today and regroup. As much as the rendezvous in the supply closet was fun, it can’t happen again.
“ C haplin , you better get your ass in gear. The show starts in forty minutes, and the Uber is waiting for us,” Jack yells from my front door.
“I’m coming!” I yell back.
I take one last look at the dark and deserted apartment across the alley. My shades are drawn as they always are when my lights are on, but she’s been MIA since our meeting in the closet. It makes me wonder about her. Every weekend she seems to be gone.
Does she go home to her parents?
Does she have a boyfriend?
This last thought has me stiffening and growing angry. I don’t want her to be with anyone but me. From this moment forward Tiffany Brighten is mine, whether she knows it or not. Fuck the rules.
“Dr. Douche, let’s go.”
Jack has always been so mature. I roll my eyes. “Where are we going?” I ask, not really caring as long as there is beer to be had.
“Some bar that Dr. Tim told me about. Apparently there is lots of alcohol and dancing girls.” He waggles his eyebrows.
“I’m not going to some strip joint.” I’m ready to jump out of this moving vehicle to avoid the disease infested club Jack-ass is undoubtedly taking me to.
“Easy, man. No need to bolt. This isn’t a titty bar. Give me some damn credit. I don’t need to pay for tits and ass.”
“Jesus,” I muse at his crass mouth.
“I’m not Jesus, I’m God,” he croons.
“Wow, now you’re blasphemous. My Catholic mother will pray for your soul.” Touching my hand to my forehead and continuing with the sign of the cross only feeds into his laughter.
Jack has a God complex, but he gets it honestly. His father is a total narcissist and one of the best orthopedic surgeons in the country. He was raised to believe he was superior. Thankfully, he doesn’t pull that shit on me. His