nearby and waved her over, giving my best apology for my previous insult.
“You think being called fat is the worst I’ve had to deal with here?” she laughed. I could tell by the glittery look in her eyes that she wasn’t entirely sober either. Either way, I was glad the liquid gave her the will to forgive me freely and without consequence. We chatted amiably about nothing in particular until I couldn’t keep my yawns more than a few minutes apart.
“Go to bed, J. Your makeup looks satanic,” Jacqueline laughed. I stuck my tongue out at her…a frightfully childish thing to do, but it was refreshing to know that she wouldn’t judge me. Instead, she giggled and stuck her tongue out right back at me, throwing us into peals of champagne-induced laughter. Wiping a tear from my eye and seeing the gob of paint that now stained my glove, I pressed myself out of a chair and waved goodnight.
I ran one hand along the painted wall for support down a corridor, unsure whether it would lead to my room or not. Exhaustion plus alcohol led me to a clouded place, where down was up and left was right. Who wouldn’t get lost in that bloody labyrinth? I caught my foot on the hall carpet and stumbled forward, throwing my hands out to break my fall and collapsing into a heap on the ground. I instantly cursed at just how difficult it would be to get back up again in my dress when a pair of meaty hands wrapped around my middle, causing the whale bone of my corset to dig deep into my belly, making me gasp.
The world spun as the hands turned me around, where I was faced with the drunk marquis. I registered slowly how strong his grip was around my waist before his rotten, distilled breath blew right into my face. I recoiled, but was held firm.
“Well, if it isn’t the picky little countess,” he breathed, leaning in and kissing my amply exposed neck. A shiver of distaste ran down my spine.
“You will unhand me now and allow me to resume passage back to my room,” I demanded in my most entitled tone. Oddly, this had no effect. His lips began to sink lower towards my breasts.
“No, I don’t think I will,” he mumbled as his lips trailed down further, his disgusting hands holding me firmly in place. I began to squirm, but my corset only dug deeper into my ribs, rendering me helpless.
“Don’t fight it, mademoiselle. I know this is what you really want.” He shifted his hand upward so that my left breast was trapped between his head and his hand. Panic began to rise from my clenched stomach, bile forming in my throat as the champagne began to protest at being squeezed too tightly in my belly.
“Please, let me go!” I cried, my voice rising an octave before his other hand closed over my mouth and he backed me against the wall. His eyes were lustful and full of malice, like he wanted to teach me a lesson. His hand tasted like salt and sweat, its texture sticky and moist as a slug. I did the only thing I could think of and bit down as hard as I could. His hand flew back before rising above me to deliver a blow. I closed my eyes in anticipation, lowering my head to soften the blow.
With my eyes closed tightly, I didn’t see right away who grabbed the meaty arm and flung the marquis backwards against the other wall. The fresh rush of free air was enough to pry open my eyes, where the sight before me caused me to lose feeling in my legs.
Bastien easily wrapped the man’s arm around his back and forced him to the floor in agony. The hallway was small enough that I could hear every word he said.
“Now if only your father had taught you how to treat a woman, we wouldn’t be here right now, eh monsieur?” Bastien asked, his voice laden with repressed anger. To show this, he pulled harder on the marquis’ arm, causing him to cry out a mumbled response. Pulling tighter, Bastien refused to let loose.
“I’m so sorry, monsieur, but you’re going to have to speak up so my lady can hear you.”
“I said it won’t happen