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One Touch More
Book: One Touch More Read Online Free
Author: Mandy Baxter
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might follow through this time.”
    â€œI love a man with a tool belt.” Dave flashed her a grin.
    Another wave of guests entered the lobby, breaking up any further conversation, which was totally fine by Tabitha. She let Dave take care of checking them in and returned to her office to complete the food order for next week.
    Seth might be trying to get his act together, but the fact of the matter was this was his last chance to make a change. Tabitha had saved his bacon for the last time. Getting him out of his latest bout of trouble had cost her dearly, and now she found herself an unwilling partner to her ex’s less-than-legal business dealings. Joey had been Seth’s friend first. Tabitha had hooked up with him because wherever Seth was, Joey wasn’t too far behind, and he’d been truly charming in the beginning. Well, charming in that dangerous bad-boy way that inevitably curled Tabitha’s toes.
    If she could go back and do it all over again, she would have taken Seth and left Boise in their wake before either of them could fall prey to that bastard. Hindsight was certainly twenty-twenty, but no amount of coulda, woulda, shouldas would change the fact that she’d found herself in a situation that was becoming more inescapable by the day.
    Tabitha settled in at her desk and opened a browser window on her computer. Her fingers hovered over the keyboard, the cursor flashing in the Google search bar. The keys clicked as she typed: FBI, Boise, Idaho. Her pinky paused before clicking Enter. Did the FBI even deal with guys like Joey? She hit the backspace and typed: Boise Police Department, narcotics and clicked the first search result: City of Boise, Bandit Narcotics Vice Unit .
    How many times had she stared at this phone number on her screen? Tabitha’s hands began to shake and she twined her fingers together to keep them still. One phone call shouldn’t have been so hard to make—after all, she’d done it before in the interest of protecting her brother—but it was Joey’s promise to bring Seth down with him that kept her from dialing the phone. Empty threats weren’t Joey’s style. No, the asshole had tremendous follow-through. Both Seth and Tabitha knew that he had enough evidence gathered against her brother to put him in jail for a good decade at least. Joey was one of those rare sleazeballs who actually had brains enough to keep himself out of trouble.
    By getting others to do his dirty work for him, he reaped all of the benefits of being a slimy criminal while keeping his hands marginally clean at the same time. It was Seth’s bad luck that he’d trusted Joey, and Tabitha’s own stupidity that she’d turned a blind eye to what he was doing until it was too late. Despite kicking him to the curb, Joey was a permanent fixture in her life. He wouldn’t let her quit her job, and unless she wanted to see her brother thrown in prison, she had no choice but to let him use the hotel as a front for his dealers to sell their drugs from.
    Not exactly the life she’d imagined for herself.
    Closing the browser window, Tabitha clicked the icon for the hotel’s NiteVision property management software and typed in the name Damien Evans. His reservation popped up and Tabitha scanned the information he’d provided. He’d rented a single. No additional guests, so he was presumably unattached. She hadn’t noticed a ring, anyway. He gave a California address, so definitely not local, and he didn’t use a company credit card, so he probably wasn’t traveling on business.
    â€œTrouble,” Tabitha reminded herself as she exited NiteVision to focus on the food order. Damien might be the embodiment of her perfect man, but the trouble Joey had brought into her life was more than enough proof that she needed to lay off of bad boys for good. She let out a derisive snort. At the rate she was going, she wasn’t going to be laying
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