Master of Punishment Read Online Free

Master of Punishment
Book: Master of Punishment Read Online Free
Author: Holly Carter
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her. She fights me at first but when I grab her wrists, the fight is lost on her part. Her feet kick out towards my legs and I roll my eyes at her drunken behaviour. When her shoes go flying across the room I laugh.
    “What the fuck is your deal, America?” I say through my laughter.
    “I want you,” she pouts, her feet stop moving. “Take me.”
    “What?” I’m fucking stunned. “You’ve had too much to drink; you need to sleep whatever this is off.”
    America goes limp and her wrists slip through my hands. Her shoulders shake and her head droops forward. At first I think she is laughing but then I realise she is actually crying. I have no fucking idea what to do with her. I stand up straight and rub my hands through my hair and down my face. I haven’t heard much about this guy she was seeing apart from he was a moron. I often hate this woman but I couldn’t just kick her out. A knock sounds at the door and I look up. Arrow wonders in and smiles at America.
    “Thought I smel led something off.” he says walking over to the alcohol cabinet.
    America looks up and growls, cur sing a few words in a slurred fashion. Of course Arrow taunts her some more and the exchange between the two is like watching children fight.
    “Shut the fuck up.” America screams as she leaps from the chair and stumbles towards Arrow.
    He and I both laugh.
    When I see her start to fall, I wrap my arms around her waist and use my other hand to pick her up. I cradle her in my arms and motion to Arrow that I am taking her upstairs. He frowns and rolls his eyes but eventually, he nods in agreement. I walk out of the office and head down the hall towards the stairs. I hear James following behind and when I stop at the guest room, he steps in front and opens the door for me to enter. The guest room is the darkest room in the house. It has chocolate coloured walls with an indoor water feature for a calming effect. A good mate of mine Rumbles often comes in here to meditate. I think America will need to after her drinking binge today.
    I watch as James pulls back the dark red doona and sheet. He fixes several pillows into position and steps back. He looks at me for the next instruction and I simply nod which gives him permission to leave. I look down at a passed out America and admire her silence until I hear the large wooden doors close. Carefully, I lean down and place America on the soft sheets. She mumbles something and grabs a hold of my shirt once again. When I have her weight fully on the bed, I pry her hands off my shirt and pull up the sheet.
    I stand back for several moments just watching her. She is stunningly beautiful when she can’t speak. We have been through a lot together, but we were never good as a dynamic. Like Natasha, she wanted more. She didn’t deserve it at times, but she wanted it. I still look out for her, and at times, America comes in handy. And of course, she looks out for me. Because at the end of the day, you always keep your friends close…. and your enemies even closer.
    Chapter Four
    When I finally finish my book keeping that night, I find Natasha sitting on the end of my bed. Her hair is braided back, her makeup is light, and her attire… is missing. Things had been harder this week than most; I was ready for some release.  This was one of the reasons Natasha was such a good submissive to have.  She knew what I needed and gave it to me like I wanted. I was her Master, and she was my Submissive.  I never pushed her limits, but I tested them here and there.  Today was one of those days.  I need variety and today I wanted to remind her of her place.
    “You know I would never do anything to hurt you…” I say, undoing my buttons.
    “Yes, Master .”  Her voice conveying the trust she had in me.  It almost made me smile.
    “I need to remind you of who you are to me. ”
    It sounded harsh when I said it but being soft was my weakness with
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