what to expect from this week. Sure I had read the pamphlet and researched it to death. There were thousands of people in attendance and each day came with a full schedule of options geared to readers, bloggers and writers alike. They covered every topic imaginable. There was so much to do that trying to make out my agenda on what to attend had about given me a panic attack because I couldn't figure out how to be in multiple places at one time. Lily was perfectly content to drift in and out of each one.
Now that I was here the reality of it was so much more. It was constant activity. Aside from all of the panels you had parties and social events and entire rooms set up where you could go and browse books. People were always giving you something. It was overwhelming and wonderful.
Sitting in this bar was just more of the same. Authors meandered through, signing books and chatting with readers. People gathered in circles in heated debates over their favorite characters. I couldn't help the giggle that erupted from my lips as I took it all in.
"What's funny?" Lily asked smiling.
"This. This experience. I'm in love," I admitted.
She laughed with me. "Just wait until I drag you to that party with all the hot male cover models," she warned.
I laughed, "Just don't grab anyone's ass. I don't want to get thrown out of here too soon."
"You take away all my fun. First you pull me away from Keaton Harris and now this," she pouted.
"Hey, I'm just doing you a favor. Someone needs to keep you out of trouble," I said.
"Yeah, well someone needs to find some to push you into," she shot back. I laughed and raised my glass to cheers.
I HAVE BEEN thinking about the girl from the panel all afternoon. The one I didn’t even talk to. The one that would barely look at me as she practically ran from the room. There was something charming about her and the way the blush had hit her cheeks and the shocked horrification in her eyes as her friend had stood beside her. The memory was distracting. I’d been scanning the crowds for her, but so far I hadn’t seen her or her friend again. I should have tried harder to stop them when they were leaving.
Why did I even care? It's not like anything was going to happen, not with someone like her. Still, I found myself wondering what her voice sounded like. Usually, I only cared about things like that when the girl in question was screaming out my name as I drove one home. But with this mystery girl, I kept imagining what she would sound like telling me hers. I shook the thought away; I was starting to sound like one of those sappy assholes in my books again. I needed to put the whole thing out of my mind and find a distraction at this party. If I was required to attend I might as well go home with a door prize.
I grabbed a beer from the mini fridge and sprawled out on the couch in my suite.
"Yo, Keaton, grab me a beer," Miles called out from one of the bedrooms. I scowled.
"Get out here and get your own goddamn beer. What are you even doing in there?" I yelled out. He came out holding two ties, wearing a button down shirt and his boxers.
"Which one do I wear?" he asked holding up one tie and then the other. I rolled my eyes.
"I don't care what you wear," I said.
"I know you don't care. But the ladies downstairs will. What do you think, dark and mysterious or aloof playboy?" he asked.
"You do realize that you are completely full of shit don't you?" I took a swig of my beer and Miles flipped me off.
"Just because you can walk in the room and nail any pretty little thing you see by flashing your smile and dropping your name doesn't mean you can't play wing man once in a while. I don't come on these trips with you because I like to collect bookmarks and lip balm with some naked dude on it," he pointed out.
I laughed. Miles had been tagging along for the past three years. He was my little brother and two years younger than me. It was nice having him around. He was the balance I needed