experiment. Like, if we mix your siren sperm with my royal fairy egg, I wonder what we’ll get? Oh, look! Yup! A really badass monster! Let’s hide it and never tell it the truth is so it can’t protect itself!
So we weren't going to do anything. As far as I could tell, we had never done anything except share DNA at one very critical point.
However, saying this aloud, since my mother reigns queen of all the weird and strange in daylight, seemed beyond unwise. “Yeah, I have been really busy. You know, the move and the holidays and all.”
She tapped her fingers in irritation. My mom is a champion finger tapper. Creatures a lot bigger and badder than me fear that tapping.
I was not always as circumspect. Besides, I survived adolescence with the woman. I lost a lot of fear as a teenager.
Her impatience echoed through the phone even before she spoke. “I think you will find it wise to make time.”
“Mother, I am not one of your minions.” Always good to throw that in. She forgets sometimes.
“Janie, we have gone through this before. You are my daughter. You have responsibilities to this family.”
“Mom, we are not the mafia. We aren't even Italian. You are Irish. I get the Italian from Dad’s side. Well, more Grecian than Italian, but still, anyway, the whole family thing—”
“Enough. You will come home to Court and we will talk. It is not a request. You will come home, or we will bring you. You will fulfill your responsibilities.” Her voice sounded firm. She had used to use that same voice when she said you will clean your room.
I hadn’t listened then either. As a kid, I’d shoved dirty laundry and magazines under the bed and into the closet. Hell, I still did those things as an adult. I haven't really changed all that much. She knew that.
“Mom, really, what responsibilities could I fulfill? I am not doing any fairy crap for you. I don’t have any fairy skills. Well, I moved a rock once. Besides that, Nada . I am not going up against the vampires for you, so you are not getting anywhere there, either.” I shouldn't have said all that. I had a big mouth. I knew that about myself.
She tapped louder. “Are you or are you not coming to the raft so we can talk?”
I tapped my steering wheel. I caught myself, gritted my teeth, and stopped. “No.”
“Fine. Arrangements will be made.”
“Mom!” I sounded like I had when I was ten, but I couldn't help it. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“You’ll find out, young lady.” She hung up on me.
I punched my steering wheel.
Fucking fairy. God damned, fucking, meddling, fucking fairies can never leave me alone.
I apologized to my car, as it had not done anything wrong and looked at my cell phone. It wasn't time for my self-defense lesson yet—another of my monumentally stupid ideas. I was a siren. I could sing the energy from my enemies. Unfortunately, I wasn’t sure how any of that really worked.
Sirens, in folklore, sang so beautifully that men would wreck their ships in an attempt to get to them. When sirens sing, men go mad. What folklore did not cover was what was in it for the siren.
What the siren gets out of it is the light.
The brain is run by electricity. Electrical impulses are sent and received and that is what tells the nerves what to do, what makes thought happen. That is life. Sirens feed off that energy.
I feed off that, apparently.
I had begun reading about all of it lately, desperately seeking answers that I’m sure my ancestors shared by simpler means than web surfing. I’d read just about everything, including articles on how epileptics have the equivalent of tiny thunderstorms in their brains, also known as seizures. And that animals can tell when they are going to have a seizure because they can sense the build-up of electricity.
In theory, I could too. When I get hungry, the mental electricity glowed like, say, candle flame glittering around humans. Vampires were brighter—I assumed because it took