left the mighty citadel I wondered if it was my imagination or the fears within me which made me suspicious of every sour face which turned our way. I had no doubt that there were spies in Caen. Were they reporting our departure? Although there had been no hurry to leave the castle once we were on the road I intended to ride as hard as we could. Later we could slow down but if someone was trying to get ahead of us then we would heard them as they hurried along the road to catch us. There were just thirty five of us who left Caen. It had been more than the last time we had crossed to Germany but still not enough. Five of my men at arms were new men but all of the archers had served with me for some time. Gille of Gainford was also new. He was the nephew of Sir Guy. As Sir Guy had his own son as a squire Gille was keen to train to be a knight and Edward had been satisfied with him once they met. He was determined that he would train him better than he had Alan. I kept telling him, as did Harold, that he had done as well as he could but it was just fate. He would not listen. Edward and I rode at the fore whilst Aiden and Dick ranged ahead to scout out danger. The last time we had stopped at Rouen and Rheims. That time we had had the Empress with us. Her presence had determined our route. I did not wish to let our enemies know where we were. We would avoid such places. I could trust no one on the road. We kept to the main road only until the first night when we camped by the road in a sheltered dell. My fears were proved to be based on fact when we heard the thundering of hooves along the road. I had two sentries on the road and they stepped out with nocked bows to stop the rider who hurtled down the darkened road. Their Norman was limited and I heard the rider hurling abuse at them. I reached him and his face changed when he recognised my surcoat. I vaguely recognised him. I had seen him in the castle. "Where are you going in such a hurry?" "I am on the King's business! Let me pass!" "Show me proof." "What?" I could see that he had hoped to bluff us and force his way through by using the name of the king. "If you are from the King then he will have given you a document or a seal. He would not expect you to risk being stopped would he now…?" I got no further. He kicked out and struck Will the Wanderer in the chest knocking him over. He then slapped his horse's rump. It was a bold move and it was a quick move. In most cases he would have escaped but he reckoned without Griff of Gwent and Alan son of Garth, my archers. Their arrows threw him from his saddle. "Harold, Gille, get his horse." The body was brought back to us and, when we searched him, we found a document which was unsigned but which informed Lord Alain of Flanders that Alfraed of Norton was heading for Worms and the Empress with thirty men. There was a spy in Caen. This was just the messenger. He would have been ordered by someone who was much more powerful. I had no doubt that there might be others but we had delayed the message. After taking his weapons, armour, valuables and helmet we covered his body with leaves and finished our disturbed sleep. The armour and helmet were unlike ours and could be of use if we needed a disguise. The next day we disappeared from view. We took to small greenways and forests. My woodsmen hid our trail and Dick and Aiden kept us from prying eyes ahead. I headed for the one place on the whole road where I knew I could be safe. We reached La Cheppe without any warning. Sir Guy du Cheppe was also a knight of the Empress and the castle at La Cheppe had been his reward from the Emperor for saving his wife's life. When we had last been here, it seemed a lifetime ago, the remains of the old burnt out castle were a scorched and blackened pile. Now he had built a fine wooden castle and his banner flew proudly from its tower. It was not a large castle but it guarded the western end of the