though. I prefer it that way: I’m not going to get anywhere by crying on his shoulder. He barks a lot at me for a reason; I do need to drink – I just don’t want to.
‘Fine,’ I grumble, stalking out with him at my heels. ‘You don’t need to come with me though,’ I tell him without bothering to turn round.
‘I wouldn’t want you to get lost on the way.’
I’d laugh but I had tried that a couple of weeks ago. I told Ursus I was going to drink, then somehow got caught up chatting to a few others along the way. He was not impressed when I almost collapsed a few hours later during his latest PowerPoint presentation.
I give in and let him catch up. We trail down the huge staircase and into the one room in the mansion that really gives me the heebie-jeebies. My feet freeze to the floor before I enter. It’s not a conscious act and I hate myself for it. Ursus nudges me in the small of my back and propels me forward. Matt is already there, his blond head curved round the neck of a pale-skinned woman. His minder is by his side, double checking that he doesn’t go too far with his guzzling. Unfortunately Matt doesn’t go anywhere these days without an experienced vampire by his side.
A red-headed guy bounces toward me. He looks impossibly young and my stomach turns. ‘You can have me!’ he says, with far more enthusiasm than should be allowed. He pulls down the collar of his T-shirt to expose his jugular. I shudder.
‘Actually,’ I mutter, ‘your wrist would be better.’ Most vampires go for the jugular; it’s nearer the heart so the blood tastes sweeter. It’s also much more convenient but I hate the intimacy of it. I eye my willing victim. ‘How old are you?’
I’m still suspicious. It’s not unheard of for teenagers looking for kicks to pretend to be older than they are so they can become vampettes. The Family is pretty good at sorting out the fake IDs but no system is perfect. ‘Are you sure?’
He blinks, suddenly nervous at my tone. ‘Yeah.’
Ursus lays a hand on my shoulder. ‘Connor is one of our regulars, Bo. He knows what he’s doing.’
I’m not about to give in so easily. ‘Why?’ I ask him, trying to ignore the faint outline of blue veins under his freckled skin. ‘Why do you do this?’
‘I want to.’ He shrugs and looks at me archly. ‘I don’t come here normally‒ I tend to hang around the vampire watering holes. They’re quite friendly and it’s a good way to meet people.’
I can think of easier ways to make friends. Connor is starting to realise I’m more scared than he is and his nerves are disappearing in favour of a bit of attitude. That’s better than fear, I guess.
‘Bo…’ Ursus warns.
‘Okay, okay,’ I snap. I glance at Connor as I bring his wrist to my mouth. ‘I’m sorry about this.’
A dreamy smile crosses his face. ‘I told you. I want to do it.’
The familiar ache rises in my teeth as my fangs elongate. Nell tells me repeatedly that it’s my gums which hurt as the tooth enamel shifts. I don’t care. The pain feels like it’s in my teeth so that’s what I’m going with. Maybe I should get someone to bring me some Bonjela, in case she’s right. I take a deep breath, push down the nausea rising up from the pit of my stomach then slowly and very, very carefully, sink my teeth into Connor’s flesh.
It’s the initial piercing of the skin that’s the worst. I’m not sure if it’s psychological or not but the sensation of ripping someone apart, even gently, always makes me feel ill. Once I find the vein, however, and the warm sweet blood fills my mouth, everything else starts to fade away. I can’t quite bring myself to suck; instead I just let the blood gush down my throat. It means I don’t drink as much as I probably should before the healing properties of my bloodguzzling saliva close up the wound but I get enough.
When Connor’s blood slows to a trickle, I pull away. I concentrate on not stepping