“The blood test is just the first step,” Beth continued. “All we know right now is that the embryo implanted and that kicked up your hCG. Actually, it could be two embryos.”
“Two?” Lily asked. They had known from the beginning that twins were a possibility because they were using two eggs to increase their odds. But since Anna’s eggs hadn’t implanted before, Lily had automatically assumed this baby was from her egg. “You think it’s possible Anna’s would have implanted too?”
“Her eggs were as healthy as any I’ve seen. As far as I’m concerned this baby could belong to either of you.”
“But why didn’t it—”
“Just the odds.”
“It doesn’t matter. This baby belongs to both of us,” Anna declared exuberantly.
“That’s the spirit. We’ll do the blood tests every couple of weeks just to make sure things are happening on schedule. In the meantime I want you on a regimen of vitamins and exercise, and this is where you have to start watching your diet…lots of fruits and vegetables.” Beth paged through the folder again. “You don’t drink so that’s not an issue…no medications. As of right now I don’t want you taking anything without getting my okay, not even for an upset stomach or headache. Got it?”
“Got it.” She crossed her heart for emphasis, realizing that Anna was squeezing her other hand so hard the knuckles had started to turn white.
“What else?” Anna asked, her voice changing to business mode. “Does she have any other restrictions? Should she take it easy? Quit work?”
Lily had a feeling that if it were up to Anna she would stay home in bed starting this afternoon. She had planned to continue working as long as she could, but after the trouble they’d had getting pregnant in the first place, it occurred to her Beth might want to take a more cautious approach.
“I don’t advise taking up a new sport or active hobby, but most women are fine doing the things they’ve always done.” She slid a pamphlet across her desk. “Here are some things you should watch for in the first trimester. Your body will change a lot in the next few weeks, probably even more than in the final months of pregnancy.”
It was surreal to think of her body as different now, especially since it didn’t feel different at all. She didn’t mind the prospect of changes, not even the ones Kim had complained about when she was pregnant. Anything was worth it to get the baby they wanted.
“What’s our due date?” Anna asked.
Beth nodded toward the pamphlet in Lily’s hand. “I wrote it down for you. First of June. I also circled December first because fourteen weeks is what we consider the end of the greatest risk period. Some couples like to wait until then to tell everyone, but it’s totally up to you. My guess is you’ll be showing a little by then.” She abruptly stood and clapped her hands together with a smile. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go make some more babies. I’ll see you back here in two weeks for another blood test.”
Lily sat frozen in her seat until Anna gave her a tug. “I can’t believe it. We’re actually pregnant.”
“Let’s take the day off and go home to celebrate.” Given the demands at Premier Motors, it was an incredibly generous offer.
“I can’t. I have to be in court this afternoon. My client is getting a much-needed divorce. I’ll take a rain check though.”
Anna sighed, but by her wide grin she was anything but disappointed. “I hope Andy doesn’t mind being put to bed at six thirty. I think a private celebration is in order.”
“If I get home first I’ll make him swim laps until he’s exhausted.”
After making a stop at the desk to schedule their next appointment, they continued to the garage, where they had parked side by side. Anna held the door of Lily’s X3 SUV. “I won’t tell anyone today, but folks are going to wonder why I’m smiling so much when we’re losing money.”