some sun.
Tessa was diabetic, the reason for constantly looking sickly. She was on insulin, and had to take shots every time she ate.
Tessa was usually very shy, but extremely smart. Jessica always said that Tessa would probably get valedictorian when they graduated. Tessa wanted to be a doctor, and find the cure for her diabetes, and treat people like her.
Tessa was always fighting with her little brothers. They always made fun of her, and Tessa may have been shy in school, but she was tough when she wanted to be, and could kick her brothers asses.
Jessica often wondered where that strength came from in admiration of her best friend.
Jessica was no fighter, and knew her siblings would bully her if she had any, and she was thankful she didn’t have to put up with that.
“I swear it was around here,” Jessica said, scrunching her eyebrows in thought as she stopped to look around the old ski resort.
“I don’t see anything,” Tessa said, scratching her dark brown head.
Jessica was confused. She knew she had spotted the fire, and the mirror around here somewhere. She knew she was around the general area of where the fire happened.
Where could it have possibly gone? She thought, puzzled by its disappearance.
She knew she was on the right path, but she didn’t see anything except green and brown forest ahead with moss covering most of the trees and ferns all over the ground. She didn’t see any of the damage the mirror had done or any proof that there had been an explosion and a fire. It looked like it always did, untouched and pristine.
Jessica frowned profusely, and Tessa stood there just waiting for her to say something.
Then Tessa cocked her head in thought. “I remember listening to the police scanner, and the reports about the fire.”
“See? I wasn’t the only one,” Jessica said, turning to her friend with a smug look.
“I know I believe you, but you must have been in another area or you’re smoking something and not sharing,” Tessa said smiling at her own joke.
Jessica laughed and the two girls turned around and decided to head back to their usual spot at the lake after finding nothing out of the ordinary. Though, Jessica had to admit, she was disappointed the mysterious mirror was gone.
Jessica looked around one last time, and thought she spotted something glint in the sun.
“Did you see that?” She asked, turning to her friend.
Tessa looked at her confused. “No, what?”
Jessica turned making her way back into the brush again, but there was nothing there.
Jessica sighed, and told Tessa it was a false alarm, and they headed back to their usual spot.
Jessica and Tessa spent the rest of the afternoon talking about their latest crushes in the music business, and Jessica flipped through some teen magazines. The two girls giggled as they dreamed about their perfect husbands, and their rock star lifestyles.
Finally, Tessa said she needed to go home and eat something before her blood sugar got too low.
Jessica offered to drive her home since her mom would let her borrow her car, but Tessa insisted she was good, and only a couple of blocks away.
Jessica decided not to go back into the house. Her mom was still sleeping for her night shift, and after a short time, Jessica was already bored again.
She was actually looking forward to the school year, not only to cure her boredom, but also to graduate, and begin life outside of this small mountain town.
She sat on the porch for a little bit still reading the magazine, and she thought about the Sheriff she encountered a couple of days ago.
She suddenly felt a little nervous, and her imagination took off as she thought of him coming back to arrest her for lying about the fire.
Well, it’s been two days and no sign of him or the fire, so she figured she was safe from going to jail.
She did think he was handsome though. Just