Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha Read Online Free

Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha
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Consider this a rebranding campaign designed to get back to the roots of the meaning. Guys should desire to be the Alpha. Accepting this new perception will help you more clearly define the positive traits you want to possess and guide you toward the type of man you want to be.
    For us, the issue with the perception of the alpha male is not that he’s boorish * and kind of a bully; the issue is that it’s a label that draws its power from others. And that’s not how you create success.
    So who is the Alpha? The Alpha is someone who is not just assertive but is also evolved.
    We believe that the Alpha is the most evolved version of you. This is not about being the AMOG—the Alpha Male of the Group. That’s an unfulfilling approach. Just think about it. Your mind-set isn’t “I want to be good” or “I want to be better.” It’s “I want to be better than the other guys in the room.” That approach makes it hard to ever feel satisfied or experience the positive feelings that come with achievement and success. Your goals should be based on your own expectations, not on something as abstract and unpredictable as who else is in the room.
    We want you to focus on what you can control.
    Competition is great. But the best indicator of success is always internal motivation. Think about the most successful people in the world. Their hustle and determination is never about living up to someone else’s expectations or following in the footsteps of another. It’s about blazing their own path, being unique, and becoming the first of their kind. Kareem was Kareem. Magic was Magic. Jordan was Jordan. And LeBron is LeBron. The comparisons will be inevitable, but none of these individuals preset their development based on someone else’s plan.
    We want you to judge yourself against only yourself. We want you to achieve success that you strive for, that you want, constantly trying to improve internally and externally because you want to be better than you were—not better than someone else. That is being the Alpha.
    If you can’t understand that your goals shouldn’t be dependent on how you compare to others, then you will have difficulty reaching the goals you desire and living a fulfilled life.

    “The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.”
    The funny thing about getting older is you learn that some of the things you used to hate are what you really need the most. Take rules for example. No guys actually like rules. We spend most of our lives bending them, breaking them, and genuinely disrespecting them in every way possible . . . that is, until we realize our brazen behaviors have left us without a fundamental mentality that guides who we are and what we can become.
    Many guys feel that rules are restrictive. In reality, the right rules give you freedom. They allow you to make time for what you really need to do to become an Alpha. That’s why we created the Alpha Rules. They sit just far enough outside of society’s rules that you can live the life you want, and yet they still provide guiding principles that anyone can respect.
    But this list is only the beginning. We encourage you to create your own set of rules. Part of being an Alpha is setting your own standards and principles and sticking to them. So we encourage you to write down your rules and add to the list. But here’s the law: you must follow those rules. If you choose to set a standard by which you want to live, then you must actually follow through. Doing so will help ensure that your life doesn’t lead down a path to the ordinary.
    Rule #1. Make time for what’s important. Everyone is busy, but there’s a huge difference between being busy and being productive. Alphas are willing to sacrifice small things for important ones, even if it means giving up a little fun.
    Rule #2. Consider the problem from all angles to find a solution. Alphas know that sometimes you need a hammer,
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