why not? We are never alone anymore.”
“That’s your fault. I told you to keep your mouth shut, but you had to go blabbing to Maria, didn’t you?”
“I don’t understand what the problem is. I just said you could get it. I didn’t tell her you already got it.”
“That was too much,” Rocco grumbled. “You talk too damn much.”
Caprice laughed. “You’re scared of my brother!”
“You should be scared of your father.”
“I’m not scared of anyone, including my father. It’s about time that you and everybody else recognize that.”
Rocco smirked and continued to drive. Caprice thought she was tough. Since Nico let her hang out with a bunch of tough guys she believed no one remembered what she actually was...
A spoiled college kid who was watched over like Daddy’s little princess.
Caprice thought they respected her when really they were just babysitting a twenty-two year old brat with a smart ass mouth.
“You goin ’ to the gym or your father’s?”
Caprice didn’t answer. Instead, she rolled her eyes and pulled her iPhone out of her Gucci bag. She sent Nico a text asking about his whereabouts and remained silent for the rest of the ride. Occasionally, she would glance over at Rocco and her heartbeat would increase.
Rocco was sexy. He had strong arms, olive colored skin, and was just as tall as her father. His father and Domani had worked closely together in the late eighties until Marco got popped by the Feds. Domani had promised to look after Rocco and had kept his word.
By the time the Escalade crossed the bridge into Staten Island, Caprice didn’t feel like hitting the gym. She instructed Rocco to drop her off wherever her father was hanging out. She wanted him to say no. She wanted him to insist that they go somewhere and talk, but she knew he wouldn’t. Caprice wanted Rocco to want her as much as she wanted him, but she wasn’t going to force the issue.
Rocco pulled the Escalade in front of La Galleria 45, Domani’s favorite eatery. Caprice had the door open before the SUV rolled to a stop.
“Don’t Caprice me.” She grimaced at the touch of Rocco’s warm hand on her smooth skin. “Don’t think for one minute that I’m going to wait for you to grow a set, Rocco. You’re not the only man in New York, ya know.”
“You’re trying to get me killed. You’re the Boss’s daughter.”
“I know what I am,” Caprice countered. “I can still do whatever the hell I want to do. I’m out of here.”
Caprice slammed the Escalade door and walked into the restaurant. She was upset with herself for letting Rocco see how he’d gotten to her. She was playing a dangerous game. She knew the life her father and mother wanted for her. She just didn’t want the same.
As she strolled through the restaurant, she was careful not to allow her anger and hurt at Rocco’s painful rejection to show on her face. Domani had a heightened sense of perception. He would know she was angry as soon as he laid eyes on her. Despite popular belief, she really wasn’t trying to get Rocco killed.
“Caprice!” her sister-in-law greeted her as she walked past the hostess stand. “You’re early.”
“Is my dad in the back?”
Maria looked worried. “Umm, yes. He and Paolo are at their usual table. What’s wrong?”
“I’ll tell you later,” Caprice answered as she passed.
La Galleria 45 was a Staten Island staple and had been for over thirty years. When the previous owner was unable to make good on a loan from Domani, Nico had “obtained” it for his wife. To hear Nico tell it, Maria had never been happier when she was presented with the restaurant as an anniversary gift.
Domani had asked Caprice to help out in the restaurant but she had promptly refused. Working in the restaurant was not the part of the family business that Caprice wanted in on.
Paolo, a stoic man in his early seventies, was seated across from her father in their corner booth. Both men stood