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Lone Wolf
Book: Lone Wolf Read Online Free
Author: Tracy Krauss
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legal issue.”
    â€œI suppose you’re right. There are people working on it already, anyway. I just thought you might have some good advice.” Nicole looked down at her coffee cup.
    â€œI do have a lot of contacts,” Thomas offered. His leather jacket was hanging on the back of his chair and he reached inside the pocket and pulled out a business card. “Here’s my card. Call me if you think things aren’t moving forward fast enough, and I’ll see what I can do.”
    â€œThanks.” Nicole smiled as she took the card.
    Thomas sighed. “Well, I guess I better get going now. My meeting starts soon and I still need to get there.” He stood up. “It was really nice to run into you. I mean that.” He held her gaze for just a second and then switched to make eye contact with Maggie. “And it was nice to meet you too, Maggie.”
    He wished he didn’t have to go off to some bureaucratic meeting. He’d love nothing better than to get to know Nicole Ducharme and her daughter. For one thing, he’d like to know if she had a significant other. He could have just asked, but that would seem too forward. Besides, he was probably a lot older than she was, and she wouldn’t be interested in a toughened character like him. He was better off leaving well enough alone.
    Thomas felt the vibration of his telephone in his pocket. The kids were watching a sitcom on TV and it was turned up rather loud. He stood up and retrieved the phone, walking into the kitchen so as not to disturb his children as he checked the identity of the caller. He frowned. Unknown number.
    He hit the talk button. “Hello?”
    â€œHi, Thomas. It’s Nicole.”
    His brows rose. “Oh. Hi, Nicole.”
    â€œYou sound surprised.”
    â€œI am,” he admitted. “But not unpleasantly so. What’s up?”
    â€œI’ve been thinking more about what we talked about on Saturday. You seem to have a lot of background in helping out First Nations communities, and according to my mother, the committee formed to look into things isn’t making much progress. I thought maybe you could do something. At least point us in the right direction.”
    â€œWell…it’s true, I have had a lot of experience dealing with various levels of government, but most of that is setting up businesses or other projects. They probably need to consult a lawyer and I am definitely not that.”
    â€œBut you probably know a few good lawyers. Ones that would be sympathetic to our cause.”
    Thomas nodded, even though she couldn’t see him do so. “Yes, that’s true.”
    â€œExcellent. I knew you’d be the person to call.”
    He laughed. “I haven’t done anything yet. I know a guy up in Saskatoon that has had a lot to do with land claims. He’s the first one that comes to mind, but he’s pretty sought after and might not be willing to take on your case. There is a lot of research that needs to be done first, if I’m right.”
    â€œAnd you probably know someone who could help with that, too.”
    Thomas smiled. “Well…as a matter of fact, I do.”
    â€œA man with connections. Just what I like.”
    Thomas rubbed the back of his neck. “Right. I’ll make a few calls and get back to you tomorrow.”
    â€œSounds good. I’m at work all day every day, it seems, and then I like to spend some time with Maggie, so it has to be after nine, if that’s okay.”
    â€œSure. I’m in the same boat. Is this the best number to call?”
    â€œYes. This is my cell number.”
    â€œGood.” He hesitated, not wanting to end the call but having nothing else to say. “Right. Well, I’ll call you tomorrow evening.”
    They hung up and Thomas re-pocketed the phone. He sauntered back to the living room and flopped down on the couch beside Whisper.
    â€œWho was that?” Ryder
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