Layers Read Online Free Page B

Book: Layers Read Online Free
Author: Sigal Ehrlich
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Romantic Comedy, New Adult & College
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feel more uncomfortable than I already do.
    When Miss Bally knocks and comes in with my coffee and water and a bottle of sparkling water for Daniel Mr. Damn Stark I am so grateful for the interruption that I consider begging her to stay. Unfortunately, as quickly as she comes in, she immediately turns on her heels back to her elegant work station, leaving me with Mr. Stark, who casually murmurs, with a patronizing stare, “Careful not to stain yourself with the coffee.”
    I shift nervously in my chair, painfully failing to remain calm or form some appropriate comeback. Jerk.
    Businesslike, resting casually back in his chair, he concentrates on pretending to read my CV while I try to figure out what I’m really doing here, besides being the object of his amusement.
    He inclines his head to level his stare with mine and asks, “You would like to work in our security department, Miss Grace?” He bites his full lips in what I guess is an attempt to hold his thin smile from widening, and it really riles me, causing me to flush again in response. By slanting his head, waiting for my response, a strand of his wavy golden hair drops on his forehead, making him look somewhat unruly, adding to my unease. How can I even concentrate? Somebody shoot me already. Please put me out of my misery.
    I look at him restlessly, repeatedly circling my watchband around my wrist. He turns his gaze to my repetitive act of anxiety and I halt at once. His lips pull up a notch.
    “Well,” I start with a weak voice, trying to articulate some answer, though miserably failing. How long will this torture last?
    “I thought it would be an interesting field to work in.” Oh my god, that’s the best I could come up with? Can I sound more retarded? This is hot enterprise owner Mr. Stark I’m talking to. He must think I’m actually mentally challenged. Perhaps he’ll think I do have a disability and pity me.
    Daniel Stark looks at me, hardly trying anymore to hide his covert mocking yet annoyed smile; I feel like bending across the table to strangle that wide, tan neck of his. Or perhaps devour his lips? A rush of pleasure goes through me as I visualize this thought. I shake my head quickly to avoid giving any further stage to this idea.
    “So of all the departments at Stark Software, the security organization is the most intriguing and professional unit in your opinion? Is that your line of thought, Miss Grace?” He stares at me with a gaze that burns with a mixture of viciousness and delight. I feel absolutely numb. Did I really say this rubbish to Mrs. Greenich? This is all Tasha’s fault, though I can’t accuse her for making me utter this absurdity. I have myself to thank for that.
    “Miss Grace, I do have a position in mind that would be suitable for you here at our organization,” he continues, reassembling his expression into a stern face. Nonetheless, there is still a flicker of playfulness in those hazel irises.
    What the hell? I glare at him, utterly perplexed. Is he really about to offer me a job? Based on what?
    “Since you were so observant of the conduct and character of Stark Software’s upper management when we last met, I believe you could fill a role in our Human Resources department, as liaison between management and our employees.”
    As soon as he concludes, I swallow hard and ease my breathing, reminded of what I told him, well … about himself. Anger is swelling in my gut. He’s crucifying me here, and it’s so well deserved . Now, what do I reply to that? What do I fucking say?
    Finally, I’m able to shake off my prolonged state of silently absorbing the heat, and the barrier in my numb, dry mouth is lifted. I need to try to control myself. Well, what the hell …
    “Mr. Stark,” I say in a firm voice, which results in an intent gaze that assures me I’ve got his undivided attention. “First of all, I should really thank you for the opportunity of considering me, as inexperienced as I am, for such a valuable

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