or bounties on my head,” he grumbled as he flopped into his command chair.
Jaro drummed his fingers as he waited for the computer’s reply. The jolt of takeoff happened along with acceleration before his AI unit returned with an answer.
He frowned. “Negative what?”
“There are currently no known parts of the galaxy where there are no bounties in effect.”
“Figures,” he muttered. As scourge of the galaxy, a name acquired due to the delicate missions he’d embarked upon for various governments and individuals, he’d gained quite the reputation which proved both beneficial and detrimental. On the one hand, his high priced services were always in demand; on the other, no one wanted him in their sector for fear he’d come looking for them.
Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais
“Destination?” His computer prompted him, and for the first time, probably ever, Jaro felt chagrin that he didn’t have a place he could call his own, a refuge to escape the galaxy and its bloody games.
Much as it pained him, Jaro needed to lay low for a bit. Truth told, he could use a respite from the constant fighting and defending of his life. Unfortunately, there was only once place he knew where he might accomplish it.
His lips curled in distaste as he gave the order.
“Computer, take me to my brother.” He relayed the coordinates out loud since he’d never bothered to store them into his ship’s memory. They’d only recently reunited after all.
Despite their mutual dislike of each other, he knew Tren wouldn’t turn him away. He’d taunt Jaro mercilessly, he and that human barbarian he’d taken for a mate, but at least, within his brother’s home, he could regroup and decide where he wanted to go next—and what to he wanted to do.
Funny, a few planetary cycles ago, he’d scoffed at his brother for retiring as an assassin because he’d grown weary of the constant drama. Now, Jaro found himself envious. In the arms of a weak, pale-skinned human, his brother found contentment and even stranger, joy. Jaro didn’t quite understand it, or how it worked, but he couldn’t deny the few times he’d seen his older sibling, he’d appeared…happy.
What a novel concept for blood thirsty warriors like 27
Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais themselves who lived for the thrill of adventure, the scent of blood and the taste of death. Yet, Tren gave it up, without a qualm or regret, for Megan. Could he find that kind happiness as well?
Not that Jaro would give any female a chance to noose him. He knew firsthand how duplicitous they were.
Females only ever wanted something from males, be it money, fame, or vengeance against their foes, and once they got it, they showed their true colors before moving onto their next conquest. It was why Jaro never allowed females to get that close to him, not anymore, not since Shinja, that two-timing whore.
In his life, females served only one purpose—
pleasuring him. He’d bed them, once, maybe even twice, but then, he moved on. It wasn’t as if he needed to content himself with the attention of one female, not when he had dozens in every port looking to climb atop his rod.
No, unlike his brother, Jaro would never settle down with a female and pop out little screaming aliens. Instead, he’d—
“Commander, we seem to have a spacecraft following. Orders?”
Train of thought broken by the threat of danger, he snapped to attention. “Bring it up on the viewscreen.” The panoramic view of the star cluttered galaxy disappeared, 28
Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais replaced by that of a sleek vessel. “Origin of the craft?” he asked not recognizing its style or markings.
“A Zonian explorer ship. One life form aboard.” And far from home. Their race tended to not travel far from their solar system. “Am I currently wanted by the Zonians for anything?” He hoped not. That fierce tribe of females, while they rarely left their