going to happen now, because it was human .
“Please tell me what you know.” I leaned forward and gripped the edge of Liam’s desk.
“I did some research.” He tapped his fingers on a yellow legal pad full of chicken scratch. “Made a few phone calls. Got a few back. Went to the hospital to see Poe Sharpe.”
“Poe. What does he have to do with it?”
Liam hesitated. Did some more finger tapping. Met my eyes. “Quite a bit.”
“You’re looking at me like you think my head’s going to fly off and spin around the room.” My forced laugh hung uncomfortably in the air. “Poe’s not the Infinityglass, is he?”
“No. But you losing your head is a distinct possibility.”
“Nothing can be crazier than the Infinityglass being … human.” The word didn’t even sit right on my tongue.
“When Poe came to us in October and gave us the ultimatum from Teague to find Jack Landers, I believed the order came from Chronos.” Teague was the head of Chronos, otherwise known as the bad guys. Poe was her number-one henchman. Jack Landers was a world of trouble, who used to be second-in-command at the Hourglass. “I didn’t even question it.”
“Why would you?” I asked.
“Because I’m a scientist, and scientists are supposed to ask questions.” Liam rubbed his temples. “Instead, I assumed everything was as it had been when I left—that Teague was in charge—and that the Chronos operations were still based in Memphis.”
“But things have changed?”
“Ignoring something doesn’t make it go away, and things evolve, whether you pay attention or not.” Liam picked up a pen and started drawing on his legal pad, circling certain words over and over again. “Teague isn’t in charge, and Chronos is no longer based in Memphis. Not only that, Chronos isn’t our enemy.”
“After everything Poe and Teague did—”
“Teague was acting in her own interests. Poe was duped into carrying out orders issued by her, but he believed he was working for the real organization.”
“If Teague isn’t in charge of Chronos, who is?”
“Paul Girard. Teague’s estranged husband.”
“That doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. What am I missing?”
“It’s not one thing; it’s the combination of many. Lily’s the one who made me realize the Infinityglass is human.” Lily Garcia, the newest member of the Hourglass, had a supernatural ability to find anything or anyone. “She searched for an object and found nothing. Then she looked for a person and got an address.”
I actually put my hands on top of my head, wondering if its removal would be a relief at this point. “You know where the Infinityglass is.”
Liam nodded. “Who it is, too.”
“A him or a her?”
“A her.”
“Human … how?” I couldn’t wrap my mind around it. “Is she immortal?”
“She’s seventeen.”
“But the lore—not that it’s lore anymore—has been around forever. How can she be so young?”
“There’s an explanation, and I’m certain it’s as elusive as everything else about the Infinityglass.”
“She’s not safe.” It hit me that we were talking about a human. A life. More than a legend.
Liam rubbed his temples again. “She is for the moment, but probably not for long.”
The questions were coming too fast for me to keep up with my own brain. “Does she know what she is? Where is she?”
“I don’t know if she knows, and she’s in New Orleans, at the Girard’s home address.”
“The Girard’s home address. Teague’s home address?” My stomach pitched as I connected the dots. “Teague has the Infinityglass. She’s already beaten us to her.”
“By about seventeen years. I have reason to believe the Infinityglass is Teague Girard’s daughter.”
Holy hell.
“What I need to know now is”—Liam leaned forward and nailed me with a long stare—“are you going with me to find her?”
If I was going to get the Infinityglass, I was going to need to make some