drew up beside her. She was clutching a couple of books to her chest and smiling that come-to-bed smile of hers.
“It might just be me but it seems like Cam’s smitten.”
She bit her lip through the smile, her body moving suggestibly. Tanitha merely turned on her heel and continued walking.
“I don’t have any intention of doing anything. Not with anyone and especially not with Cameron.”
“ I wouldn’t be so sure of it.” Seleena’s voice called after her. “Cam can be awfully determined. In fact, I bet you that you’ll be all over him by the end of the night.”
Tanitha thought about Seleena’s words as she continued down the corridor. No way could she fall for some hotshot like Cameron Reynolds – could she? Why was he after her? There were much prettier girls than her, like Seleena for example. She shrugged, and then decided to look for Christian.
Chapter Five
Christian wandered down the field solemnly after Seleena had seen him. It was obvious she had liked him, but the feeling wasn’t mutual. He just didn’t like girls that acted the way she did. She was pretty and she knew it. And that made Christian feel insecure.
Suddenly he felt stabs of pain shoot through his body. He clutched his stomach wearily.
No, not now. Not now!
His vision blurred, and then amicably sharpened. He yelled out his pain as his shoulder slash screamed, begging to be released from its bandaged prison.
“ Christian? Chris! What’s happening?!”
Tanitha’s voice broke through the fog that surrounded his mind, making it lift and draw back. He was suddenly drained of all his energy and he crumpled to the ground, supporting his splitting head. He looked up after a minute’s composure and Tanitha was there, standing over him.
“What’s wrong?” She asked him worriedly. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Christian slowly shook his head, his brain hurting with even this slight movement.
“Who knows, Tanitha. Maybe I have. Maybe I have.”
Tanitha walked home from school with Christian plaguing her mind. Even though her mother usually drove her to school, Tanitha preferred walking home. It usually took the best part of an hour but it always gave Tanitha time to think. And it seemed she had a lot of that to do. What really happened to Christian out there? He had said it was just a simple headache, but a small migraine wouldn’t have even done that. And what did she really feel about Christian?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. She reminded herself. Christian was a friend, nothing more.
Walking up to the building that Tanitha called home, she was worried to find the front door wide open. She struggled to gain some sense. Her mother mustn’t of shut it properly on her way back inside. She quickened her pace and, though she tried to stop it, worry creased her brow. Bursting into her bedroom, she arrived to find the whole thing trashed. Sorsa howled, jumping wildly at the window, and Sadie was inconsolable, pacing up and down like a rabid creature. She knew something was wrong, terribly wrong. That’s when she heard the sobbing of her mother. Before the noise of the two dogs had smothered it, and prevented Tanitha from hearing.
Tanitha ran from her own room. She burst into her mother’s bedroom and took in the sight of her mother crying. The corner bunk lay empty, and it looked so cold like a coffin. Tanitha wrapped her arms around her mother. She calmed her mother enough for her to speak.
“ What happened? Where’s Tabby?”
“ She’s dead, Tanitha.” Dinah wailed. Tanitha’s eyes widened with shock and her lower lip quivered but she couldn’t cry in front of her mother. She merely buried her face in her mother’s shaking shoulder and blocked out the tears.
After a while, Dinah stopped crying and her sobs became hiccups. Finally she gave one last lingering look towards Tabitha’s bed.
“My baby girl is dead.” She whispered with finality.
That night, Tanitha lay awake. Her