what Cameron Reynolds was doing talking to someone like her. He was the captain of the first fifteen. It was unnatural for him to even be seen with Tanitha. Tanitha felt shock draw over her slowly and she blushed, and then cursed herself silently as shame replaced the shock.
“ Hello.” She uttered simply, afraid that her mouth might not be able to string together a coherent sentence. Cameron smiled as he was acknowledged. He wore his ebony hair in much the same way as Christian did, parted to either side, but the difference was that Cameron’s was brushed smooth. His blue eyes usually exuded confidence in the fact that he was handsome. For he was a complete stunner. But something was over the confidence that day, like a shutter blocking the sunlight.
“ I’m Cam, and this is Seleena.” He waved slightly towards the blonde, though it seemed more a dismissal than a welcome. “I saw you over there talking to Dusky and I just wanted to say hi. Did you know Dusky was our dog?”
“ No, I didn’t. Someone told me his name once but I didn’t know who actually owned him. So you own him?” Tanitha was pleasantly surprised that she was making normal conversation.
“ Yeah, me and my bro, Cheyne. Maybe you’d like to come over and meet Cheyne sometime? He’s quite cool. He doesn’t go to school anymore.”
“ Wow, very subtle.” A voice said in response. Tanitha turned around. Cameron seemed to also notice Christian for the first time and only then did he let his smug superiority show. He cradled his face in one hand, as if thinking, tapping his index finger against his cheek. Then his face seemed to light up. As if mocking Christian, he pointed the same finger at him.
“ You’re on the team, right?” He asked, referring to the first fifteen. “New boy. Chris-topher, was it?”
“ Christian.”
“ Right. Now, Chris, tell me. Was I addressing you in particular?”
Cameron’s eyes held a mean light and he had a smirk on his face. Tanitha could tell that his intentions weren’t at all friendly.
“No. In fact, maybe I shouldn’t bother. Maybe I’m wasting my time because your head is so far up your backside you talk sh…”
“ Hey, guys, come on.”
Both guys looked at Tanitha, who shrugged, feeling her cheeks burning again. Why was it she got easily embarrassed at the worst of times? Seleena cracked up laughing, and her girlie giggle was starting to irritate Tanitha deeply. She walked over, hips visibly swaying, and Tanitha rolled her eyes. She watched as Seleena draped her arms over Christian from behind. Tanitha scowled. Christian was her friend. She found herself hoping that Seleena wouldn’t sink her claws into him.
“ I’m Seleena.” Seleena said in his ear. Christian turned around, breaking the contact with a raised eyebrow.
“ I know, you said that in form class.”
“ You know what? So I did. Come. I have to tell you about the party that’s on this weekend. Cam?”
“ Hmmm?”
“ You can invite her if you like.”
She said it in such a dismissal tone that Tanitha felt like vapour. Tanitha’s hands instinctively clenched at her sides.
“So, Tanitha.” Cameron interrupted her train of thoughts. “You heard about the party on Friday?”
“ Yeah, just now apparently.”
“ You gonna come?”
She thought about it for a while, listing the pros and cons.
“I’ll think about it.”
“ Great. I’ll pick you up at seven.”
“ But…”
“ See ya then.”
“ What…”
But he had gone, and Tanitha was now infuriated by the way he had acted. She should have known that Cameron would be no different from any other. She was halfway hoping that she would have been able to go with Christian but now it seemed that Seleena had already snagged him. She shrugged to loosen her tense shoulders and started off towards class. She was stopped not long after by a familiar syrupy sweet voice.
“Hey, Tanitha baby, wait up.”
Tanitha stopped and sighed melodramatically. Seleena