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Highland Honor
Book: Highland Honor Read Online Free
Author: Hannah Howell
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much skill as ye have at running away from and hiding from your enemies. But, how much skill do ye think ye have for doing both at the same time?” He smiled in sympathy when she paled and began to twist her delicate, long-fingered hands together in her lap. “Ye can no longer stay here, lass.”
    â€œYou killed the men who found me.”
    â€œBut were they the only ones DeVeau sent here? They may have sent word back to the ones hunting you, word that they had found their prey. More will come. And, I dinnae think ye need me to tell you that ye cannae run and hide verra weel if ye are dragging a wounded mon about with you. ’Twould endanger you, and may weel make the lad’s wound a fatal one.”
    Gisele closed her eyes and fought to calm herself. When she had first sought out Guy it had seemed such a clever plan. Who would think to look for a delicate, well-bred lady in the midst of an army, or think that she would risk dishonor by dressing as a boy? She could not believe that the DeVeaux had guessed her plans. They had simply searched out Guy hoping to find her or, at least, learn where she might have gone.
    Sir Nigel was right. Soon the DeVeaux would know where she was and, worse, that Guy had helped her. She could no longer stay where she was, but she could not leave Guy behind, either. He needed her help, and now he also needed to hide from the revenge the DeVeau family was so avidly seeking. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at the man who had thrust himself into the midst of her troubles as if he had some right to be there.
    â€œAnd what do you think I should do?” she asked.
    Nigel leaned forward and looked directly into her eyes. “Run.”
    â€œI cannot leave Guy behind at the mercy of his wounds and my enemies.”
    â€œI ken it. Ye must get him to a safe place first. There must be someone who will shelter him even if they willnae shelter ye as weel.”
    â€œOur cousin Maigrat. She lives but a short day’s ride from here.”
    â€œThen we shall take him there.”
    â€œAye—we. I am offering ye my protection, wee Gisele.”
    â€œWhy?” She frowned when he laughed and shrugged his broad shoulders.
    â€œI dinnae have a good answer for that,” he replied. “I can offer ye the protection ye need and mayhap a safe haven, as weel. Ere I stumbled upon your troubles, I had thoughts of returning home. Ye can come with me.”
    â€œTo Scotland?” she whispered, shocked at his suggestion yet seeing that it could be a very good plan.
    â€œTo Scotland, to my home. Even if the DeVeaux discover ye are with me and where ye have gone, ye will still be safer than ye are now and in this land. In Scotland the DeVeaux will be the strangers, unable to hide.”
    Gisele wanted to accept his offer, but hesitated. She would be placing her life in the hands of a man she did not really know. It was madness, yet she was not sure she had much choice.
    â€œYe need to consider my offer,” he said, as he stood up. “I understand. I will tend to young Charles’s body as I promised your cousin, and we can talk when I return.”
    â€œAny of the French knights can tell you where he must go. I believe his family would prefer to bury him on their own lands.”
    Nigel paused in the opening of the tent to look back at her. “There is one thing I ask of ye for my help, lass, and one thing only.”
    â€œAnd what is that?”
    â€œThe truth.”
    She cursed as he left and briefly buried her face in her hands. The truth, he said. That was his price for his much needed aid. Unfortunately, the truth could make him swiftly take back his offer. He might not believe her claim of innocence any more than so many others did.
    And there was still the question of why he offered to risk his life for hers. He had no real answer for her, and many of the reasons she thought of were not kind. If he was just bored, how long

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