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Highland Honor
Book: Highland Honor Read Online Free
Author: Hannah Howell
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family. Then in the heat of the battle, I saw ye and your friend turn and run this way. Then I spied the DeVeau men, and felt ye may need some help.”
    â€œAnd he needs more help now,” Gisele said. “All I need to tend to his wound is within our tent.”
    Nigel lifted Guy up and carried him into the tent. Gisele followed, pointed to a bed of sheepskins covered by a blanket, and he gently set the younger man down on it. As Gisele worked to clean, stitch, and bind her cousin’s wound, Nigel found a wineskin, sat on a chest, and helped himself to a hearty drink.
    When he had realized that Gisele was in danger he had been seized by an urgency he had not felt in a long time. Seeing her facing a large, sword-wielding knight with only a strong spirit and a small dagger had stirred his admiration, and also made him eager to cut down the man threatening her. He found that both curious and unsettling. It had been a very long time since he had felt any such emotion.
    As she stitched Guy’s wound, her face pale with concern, Nigel studied her. She was tiny in height and stature. In the clothes she wore there was little indication that she was a woman, yet his body had no difficulty in reacting to her as one, swiftly and regularly. Gisele was unquestionably pretty with her small face, faintly pointed chin, straight nose, and wide, vividly green eyes. Her dark brows were delicately arched, enhancing the wideness of her eyes, and her lashes were long and thick. She had the most beautiful eyes he had seen in years. None of it, however, explained the feelings she stirred within him. Adorable though she was, she was no blinding beauty who could inspire men to risk all for no more than a kind word from her full lips. And yet she drew him to her as if she were.
    Entangling himself in her troubles was unwise. From all he had learned of the DeVeaux they were a huge family, rich, powerful, and brutal. A man with his wits about him would do all he could to distance himself from such a family’s enemies, would be very careful never to let a DeVeau mark him as an enemy, too. Instead, he had rushed in, sword raised, and killed three DeVeau knights. He could still save himself, for all witnesses to his rescue were dead or would never tell the DeVeaux, but he knew he would not back away now. He felt compelled to help Gisele whether she wished him to or not.
    â€œYou have decided not to return to the battle?” Gisele asked as she finished washing up and moved to start a fire.
    â€œThat fight was near o’er when I decided to come and save your bonny skin.”
    She scowled at him, watching very closely as he had a long, hearty drink of her wine. “Guy and I were doing well enough, although I thank you for your kind aid.” She cursed softly when he grinned, revealing that he did not believe her claim any more than she did herself. She and Guy had desperately needed his help, and she somewhat resented that.
    â€œYe find it verra hard to admit that ye are neck deep in the mire and sinking fast, dinnae ye?” he asked, still grinning.
    â€œA vivid turn of phrase,” she murmured. “I have cared for myself for nearly a year with no more than an occasional assist from my family. I believe I can continue to survive.”
    â€œWhate’er ye are running from, lass, is beginning to catch up with you. Aye, ’tis so close that it has taken the life of a friend and nearly taken that of your kinsmon. Has that happened ere now?”
    Gisele sat down before the growing fire, snatched the wineskin from his hand, and took a large drink. “ Non , that has not happened before. I am sorry for Charles, very sorry, for he was young and honorable, a boyhood friend of Guy’s. Guy’s wound has weakened him, but it will not kill him if properly cared for.”
    â€œTrue, but I think ye will find that a difficult task.”
    â€œI have some skill at healing.”
    â€œI am sure ye do, as
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