try to refuse payment, those I help insist I take it and leave.” They usually even cried when they thrust the riches at him begging him to go. Most even exacted a promise he’d never return. Probably because they didn’t want to hog his noble abilities.
“Why would you give us your stuff? What do you want in return?” asked Betty suspiciously.
“What use do I have for treasure? I am a galactic knight on a quest to bring justice to those in need.”
“I’ve seen your idea of help, and it’s kind of disruptive, violent, and misplaced.”
“Oddly enough, you are not the first person to remark that. But, I don’t let a few bumps along my path sway me from my purpose.”
“If your purpose is to cause chaos, then I’d say you succeeded.”
“Ignore her,” the Zonian said. “She’s just grumpy because she’s in a breeding phase and hasn’t found a male to ease her.”
“I could—”
Before he could finish his sentence, the human slapped a hand over his mouth. “Don’t even think it, purple dude. And you .” Betty fixed a glare on her companion. “Will shut it. I don’t need a man. And if and when I do, I’ll select him myself thank you very much.”
Zista clucked her disapproval. “If you wish to abstain when there is a perfectly acceptable male specimen here for the taking, then that is your choice. If he were a little more robust, I’d give him a try.”
The Zonian eyed him up and down. Dyre’s cock shriveled tight. He’d heard about what happened sometimes to the males brave enough to mate with them. He preferred to keep all his body parts intact thank you.
As if sensing his discomfit, the female warrior chuckled. “Relax. I won’t bite. Unless provoked. Since we’re going to be roomies for bit, you may call me Zista. And while Betty is a grumpy, repressed barbarian, I am not and would love a tour of your ship.”
“Then, please, follow me.” Dyre led them through the large vessel he’d earned after a particularly stringent cleanup in a village on a little planet in the ninth quadrant. The townsfolk shoved him on it and preprogrammed it to launch in space. Those brave souls, ensuring his escape even as their homes burned. The fire-breathing reptile he’d chosen to take care for them had caused some damage during their battle. But, while the townspeople would have to rebuild, at least they’d no longer have to worry about the occasional three-horned bovine getting eaten.
As he extolled the various virtues of his vessel, which boasted four large crew rooms, plus a barrack if he needed to carry a large number of passengers, he couldn’t help but eye the pale human.
While initially her coloring and odd two-breasted status shocked him, the more he observed her, the more he found her pleasing to his eyes.
She boasted a more rounded frame than the women of his planet, less muscle and hard-edged planes and more curves and valleys. Her softness beckoned a man’s touch. He wondered if she would feel as pillowy as she appeared once nestled between her thighs. He wasn’t the only one enjoying the sight of her. His cock also found her to its taste, swelling when he accidentally touched her, standing to attention as he kept her from leaning in to a deadly plant known to eat its prey alive—another gift from a thankful party.
“Hands to yourself, dude,” she snapped.
“I meant no disrespect,” he apologized. “Simply ensuring you did not become a meal for my garden. Most of the foliage you see here is quite dangerous to your kind.”
“Then why keep it?”
“They were gifts. It seemed rude to rid myself of them.”
She snorted. “If this is what your friends give you, then I’d hate to see what your enemies like to give.”
“I think these are fine warriors gifts,” Zista stated as she stalked by on taloned feet. She snatched a carnivorous bloom in passing and popped it in her mouth, crunching loudly. “It shows respect for your strength that they would gift you with