gossiped as much as any other servants would. It wasn’t as if she could hide the fact she was wearing boy’s clothing.
“I cut it on a dagger. Daniel is teaching me how to protect myself in case those who have murdered most of my father’s family in England decide to follow us here.”
“I was sorry to hear ‘bout dat, Miss Keelan. But dey didn’t kill ‘em all did dey?”
“No, so far my father’s elder brother has eluded them, although they’ve tried several times.”
Slaney inspected Keelan’s hand. The woman tsked as she examined the cut then went to the cupboard and pulled out a wooden box. She selected a small bottle, a clove of garlic, and grabbed a marigold from the herb basket.
“Let me see, lass.” She held out a hand expectantly. Keelan eyed the bottle for a moment before she did as she was told. Slaney poured a few drops on the wound.
Keelan sucked in her breath at the sting. “Ouch! What is that?” She snatched her hand away and shook it. “It burns like the devil!”
Slaney grabbed Keelan’s hand and held it firmly. “Such language from a gentle lady. Yer mum, God rest her soul, would be horrified to hear ye go on. Now sit ye still. ‘Tis vinegar. That or whiskey must be used to cleanse a wound properly.”
Duly chastised, Keelan sat and quietly bit into the stolen scone while Slaney splashed more vinegar on the cut. The sting made her eyes water.
Next, the maid reached for the garlic, pulled off a clove, sliced it in half, and rubbed it over the wound, eliciting another wince from Keelan. “Garlic will prevent infection,” Slaney said. Last, she crushed the marigold petals, pressed them over the cut, and wrapped her hand in a small damp linen cloth.
“Keep it wrapped,” she said. “’Twill keep out the pus.”
Keelan turned to the cook and gestured to the last bite of scone. “Ruth, I would love to learn how you make these.” She popped it into her mouth and munched happily. It was something her mother might have sold in her shop, partnered with jellies and jams.
The cook’s soft, brown face broke into a pleased smile. “Come in the mornin’ ‘fore sunrise, an’ I’ll show ya in no time.” Ruth turned and pulled a plate from the shelf. “Now sit yo’ self down, child. I can’t stand to see ya starve to death right here in the kitchen house.”
To Keelan’s dismay, Ruth served her a plate of fried corn mush doused in cane syrup, a cup of tea, and another scone slathered with fresh butter and sweet, amber honey.
I have to get to the barn and intercept Hart and O'Brien!
Mentally calculating the time it would take Daniel and the two ship captains to reach the barn and turn over the horses to a stable boy, Keelan estimated that she had a couple of precious minutes before she had to leave. There would be no time for her to first change into a gown, however. She shoveled a large bite of corn mush into her mouth, trying to choose the right words she would use to convince the two sea captains to keep her clandestine activities to themselves.
Slaney glanced out the kitchen house window. “I see Daniel and our visitors are near. I’d best get along and tell Mr. Grey his guests are here. And you, mistress, best get along before you’re caught in those clothes.”
Keelan’s fork clattered on her plate and she virtually flew out of the door, praying she would be able to speak with Captain Hart then sneak up to her room.
Hurry. Slaney’s warning echoed in her head. Keelan took a shortcut through the garden. The entire household was probably awake.
She ducked beneath an arbor laden with lazy, purple wisteria blossoms. Aunt Sarah’s garden created a buffet for the senses. Eight neatly trimmed squares of lavender, rosemary, and thyme hedges could barely accommodate the bright bursts of colorful flowers flaming up toward the blue South Carolina sky. The neat checkerboard of raised square beds flowed down over several tiers and stopped near the glassy