but now a stockade. No one was in the extreme bindings yet. Taking center stage in the den space was the punishment bench. It was made from high end oak. The scent filled the room. Mixtures of wood, freshly oiled. Scents of leather blended, sexual arousal made the room hot. Air conditioning meant nothing when you were primed for masochistic punishments. Her gaze scanned the room. A woman on her knees, naked but for a tail and some ears, looked up with adoration at a very tall, lanky man. Lucy felt a pang of jealousy. Shaking her head she heard Millie giggle. She looked up just as Robert swaggered over to her bouncing form.
Robert was an imposing beast. He stood a good six foot five, his dark hair, and olive complexion made women swoon. His eyes were like black diamonds. They glowed yet held an authority that made submissive women drop to their knees. He was leaning over Millie. Lucy watched as she dropped her gaze. Her giggling halted as Robert seemed to be whispering in her ear. As Lucy walked in closer she watched Robert run his finger across Millie’s lips. The shiver that ran the length of Millie’s body was telling. Lucy knew that feeling. The moment when you knew a man could take you over, totally possess you. Ownership was nonnegotiable. Robert had that effect on women. Lucy remembered playing with him a few times. There was no sex involved. Robert didn’t use sex for power like most Dominants. He used his very impressive personality. Control without sex was the most powerful gift to have.
Robert, the man with the golden whip.
Taking a step closer, Lucy’s heels left the silent comfort of the cream carpeting and clicked loudly against the kitchen tiles. Scrunching up her shoulders, she knew that every eye was now on her dressed as the naughty kitty. Lucy took a step back as Robert moved in on her. She knew that if Robert started on her the night would never end.
Heat rose inside her as he looked down. Lucy knew full well that Robert knew how she was. He had been pushing her to play again. Her level of submission was deep. It ran through her like a soul mate.
“Look at me, Kitty.”
Her body vibrated with heat, though it wasn’t for him. All she saw was Tom’s face when she looked up at him. Robert had no shame. He wore no mask, just a pair of tight black leathers. The heat of his flesh radiated at her. She gulped. The front door shut loudly.
“On your knees, Kitty.”
She dropped gracefully, and with a methodical ease that slipped through her like wet silk. Her pussy grew damp. Her heart was starting to pound. She let her eyes roam until they locked on the feet of the man who had just entered. Well, the shoes, steel toed black boots. Her breathing hitched. All she could think of, all she could focus on was this man. A stranger that looked right at her. Lucy felt her throat contract. Her mouth dried up. He wore a mask, elaborate and dark. It covered his forehead and nose, all she could see were his eyes. His powerful legs were wrapped in tight black leather, a matching biker jacket was open, and it exposed his firm, chiseled chest. Lucy’s body shivered. A dominant mystery man stood in the doorway, and his entire focus was on her. Licking her lips, she saw flashes of him pressing that bare chest against her. The clear blue eyes were like a memory from some place wicked and dark.
A large hand started to pet the top of her head. The hot fingers kneading against her scalp before they started to fist. Panic swept through her. The man just watched. His chest rose and fell. Arousal glimmered in his eyes—blue eyes. They were like a storm. Lucy’s head was jerked back. Her neck ached as it was pulled to focus back on Robert.
“I have always wanted to spank Catwoman. You’re not focused are you?” He was shaking his head.
Her body shivered. She wanted this, but not with him. She wanted it with the stranger; with Tom. Lucy knew more than anything she could place her fantasy in the arms of this leather