G-Man and Handcuffs Read Online Free

G-Man and Handcuffs
Book: G-Man and Handcuffs Read Online Free
Author: Abby Wood
Tags: erotic romance romantic suspense
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and placed it on
the edge of the coffee table. Slipping the knife into a sheath in
his boot, he motioned his head toward the back of the cabin. “I
want you to get your rifle…just in case.”
    Jolene moved two steps toward the bedroom
and the front window exploded, splattering the room with glass. She
dropped to her hands and knees. “Tony!”
    “Stay down.” He stretched out on the floor,
snagged his bag and on hands and knees made his way over to her.
“Crawl into the kitchen and get behind the counter.”
    She didn’t move. He had blood running down
the side of his face. “You’re hurt.”
    “I’m fine.” He shook his head. “It’s just a
cut from the glass.”
    Frowning, she reached out to find out where
the blood was coming from, but he shook his head. “Now, Jolene.
    Scrambling to the kitchen,
she huddled in the corner against the cabinets. The window above
the kitchen sink blew out, and she buried her head on her knees.
Tears wet her cheeks. Oh God, don’t let us
    “I want you to plant yourself right here.”
Tony lifted her head. His thumbs strummed the tears off her face.
“Whatever happens, do not move. Do you understand me?”
    A wave of chills washed over her skin, and
she shook. “I-I’m scared.”
    “I know you are, baby.” His mouth tightened.
“The bullets probably won’t get you through the logs, so it’s
important that you stay right here. You’ll be fine, if you listen
to me.” He gave her a quick kiss. “Don’t open the door. Stay right
here on the floor no matter what you hear, okay?”
    Jolene chewed on her bottom lip, but managed
a short, quick nod, letting him know she’d do what he asked. “Be
    He kissed her one more
time, turned around, and leaped to his feet at the same time
another bullet broke out the glass somewhere in the back of the
cabin. She squeezed her eyes shut and began to rock. Please be safe, please be safe, please be
    As the bedroom window shattered, Tony
slipped out the front door and sprinted toward the brushy area
along the trail to Jolene’s cold shack. From there he’d be able to
view the front of the house while having a protective structure
between him and the shooter.
    He forced his shoulders to
relax. He hated leaving Jolene alone in the house with the chance
that the shooter might enter the cabin through one of the back
windows, but remaining inside left them both at a
disadvantage. Come on, asshole; show your
    Another blast came from
the back of the house. Jolene screamed. Every muscle in his body
tensed. He’d have to work his way around the house through the
woods and try to come up behind the shooter. Darting to the left,
he was headed for cover when a different kind of yell stopped him
cold. Jolene!
    Running full speed toward the cabin, he hid
against the side of the house, near the broken front window, and
strained to hear what was going on inside. He flipped the safety
off his 9mm and leaned over to peek through the window. His
heartbeat accelerated.
    A stocky man dressed in
black jeans and an old Metallica T-shirt stood at the entrance to
the kitchen. His right hand held a revolver. He ducked down below
the windowsill. Fuck.
    Going on instinct and years of training, he
rose and crashed through the door. “Hold it right there.” His
weapon clutched with both hands, he aimed at the bastard’s chest.
“Drop the gun.” He kept his gaze on the man. The perpetrator
glanced back and forth between Jolene and him. “Don’t even think
about it.” His finger tightened on the trigger.
    The man hesitated.
    “I said, drop the weapon!” Tony stepped
    “This has nothing to do with you.” The man’s
upper lip twitched, and he stepped backward. “I got business with
her.” He pointed the pistol in Jolene’s direction before swinging
it back around to Tony.
    Tony moved closer to the kitchen, forcing
the man to back up. The farther he could drive the man away from
Jolene, the better
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