He drew back his arm, ready to thump me with all his strength.
I was drained. An easy target. I began to fall even before his fist landed on my battered face.
It’s all a bit of a blur now, but I guess he was off balance on that sloping verge. Iguess he wasn’t expecting me to crash into him. Maybe, in some desperate attempt at self-defence, I gave him a shove. I’m not sure. Anyway, we both collapsed. I grabbed hold of the bottom of the fence and stuck fast, but he tumbled down the bank. All arms and legs, he toppled towards the road.
I wonder if Robin heard the siren as a fire engine came into view and sped towards the scene of the blast. I wonder if he was dazzled by the headlamps and flashing lights. Out of control, he rolled on to the tarmac. The last thing I remember was the sound of screeching tyres and a stomach-churning thud.
I’d stopped the fireball. I’d saved myself from Robin’s fury. But I hadn’t saved the planet and I’d done nothing to save Robin. The failed protest had claimed his life.
And that was the end of the Cooler, aswell. I don’t mean I changed my views. Sprawled out on the verge, I realised I’d crossed a red line. On one side of it, people didn’t get hurt. On the other side, they did. On one side of it, you’re a protester. On the other, a terrorist. The tricky part is knowing where to draw the line.
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Four Degrees More
by Malcolm Rose
Published by Ransom Publishing Ltd.
Radley House, 8 St. Cross Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 9HX, UK
ISBN 978 178127 473 6
First published in 2008
This updated edition published by Ransom Publishing 2013
Copyright © 2013 Ransom Publishing Ltd.
Text copyright © 2013 Malcolm Rose
Cover photograph copyright © halbergman
A CIP catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library.
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The right of Malcolm Rose to be identified as the author of this Work has been asserted by him in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.
Animal Lab
by Malcolm Rose
Jamie Littlewood is as bald as the monkey he’s looking after at the local animal lab. He is happy that the monkey may be the key to curing his baldness. But Jamie’s animal rights activist sister makes him think again about what is happening in the lab. What will Jamie do? Who is in the right?
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