For You (The Shore Book 2) Read Online Free

For You (The Shore Book 2)
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kissing or cuddling. They both just laid there, looking up at the ceiling, silently catching their breaths.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Madison woke with a start. She was laying on her stomach, her red curls covering her face. Her mouth was as dry as the Sahara and her head was pounding. The sound of little ice pellets hitting the window echoed in her ears.  
    Without looking, she knew she was naked, but she also knew she was in her own bed. She rolled to her back refusing to open her eyes. The light would hurt too much.
    The body beside her began to move. She had a strict rule that guys didn’t spend the night and she wasn’t entirely sure who was beside her.  
    Images from the night before started to flash in her mind. The club. Dancing. Drinking. A lot of drinking. A tall, sexy, blue-eyed, blonde-haired guy she recognized but couldn’t place.
    “Oh. My. God. FUCK!” she yelled, immediately grabbing her head at the pain.
    “Babe, we already did that,” the body groaned. “But if you wanted to go again, I could be up for that.” An arm reached around her waist.
    “No, no, no, no…” she said out loud, pushing the arm away. “I can’t believe I did this!”  
    She grabbed the sheet and quickly got out of bed, wrapping the sheet around her.
    “What’s the matter? I thought we had a good time,” he said, raising his head to look at her.  
    “Are you fucking kidding me, Jaxon? You need to leave!”
    “Aww, come on. Don’t be like that.” He reached for her hand. “I thought we had fun last night.”
    Madison looked at him in disgust then turned and walked quickly toward the bathroom.  
    How in the fuck did I let this happen?
    Rule #1? Don’t sleep with guys your best friend used to date.  
    Rule #1A? You sure as fuck don’t sleep with the guy who cheated on your best friend and crushed her heart.
    Madison slammed the door and sat on the edge of the tub. She needed to figure out what she was going to do. Ryan was going to kill her when she found out.  
    Her mind flashed back to the night in the bar several months ago when she had gone to the shore to see Ryan. During their girls’ night out, Madison was at the bar getting drinks for everyone and met a guy who wanted to buy them a round. Unbeknownst to her, the guy hitting on her had been Jaxon, Ryan’s ex. At that time she had only known of him and had never met him or even seen his picture.  
    Jaxon and Ryan dated for about two years before Madison met her. When Ryan walked in on the asshole screwing another girl on his couch, she had left his key on the counter, turned around and walked away. It was during a chance meeting several years later that Ryan had the opportunity to clear the air with him and finally close the door on that chapter of her life.  
    When Madison realized it was Ryan’s ex at the bar, she had taken great joy in finally telling him off for all the hurt he had caused her friend.
    And now he was here, naked in her bed.  
    And she had brought him here.
    And slept with him.
    WHY in the hell did I bring him here? Damn it! I knew I recognized him from somewhere!
    He had to go. That’s truly all there was to it. It wasn’t like this relationship – Hell, it wasn’t even a relationship! – was going anywhere. She’d confess to Ryan, take whatever punishment she was owed, and they’d move on.  
    Ryan is happy with Cody. If I just tell her the truth, she’ll be mad for a bit, but she’ll get over it. Jaxon is history to her.
    Convinced Ryan would forgive her, Madison stood and rewrapped the sheet around her body, securing it at the top with a tuck. She took a quick look at herself in the mirror and groaned.
    I look like I’ve been run over by a damn army tank!
    The hangover throbbing in her head wasn’t helping. She turned on the faucet, cupped the water in her hands and drank. At least she could get rid of the cotton feeling in her mouth.
    She dried her hands and opened the door, hoping to see an empty room, or at the very least,
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