vowed to make this information public. While I wasn’t concerned about the impact on me, it would have destroyed the careers of the three men who did father you, and the impact on each of you could have been devastating. You’re adults now and capable of understanding these things. Sara no longer has any hold over me and, as of now, has no unknown weapon against any of you either.” Kyle set aside the will, took out three new envelopes and handed them to Sara’s stunned children.
“Those letters say much the same thing. Paul tried to arrange to meet with each of you to tell you in person , but you refused to meet with him early and . . . he didn’t want to tell you this way,” Kyle faltered. “This was more to put Sara in her place than to be hard on the three of you. Paul also wanted me to mention that if any of you want to know the identity of your biological fathers, Tim or I can arrange a meeting.”
Kyle picked up the paper again and continued. “Because Paul wasn ’t able to divorce Sara, he wasn’t able to marry Teri. So, while Cassandra and Devin are not his children in a legal sense, he didn’t hold that against them. At the time of his death, Paul considered Teri to be his life partner, if not his actual wife. Therefore, he took responsibility for her children as his own, hence the equal distribution of the inheritance. This sum is in addition to trust funds established for the children previously.”
Kyle looked at Dev and Cassie , they looked almost like twins with matching wide eyes and mouths open slightly in surprise. “I don’t know if you two are aware, but Paul established trusts for both of you awhile ago.” They shook their heads that they didn’t and remained quiet. Kyle smiled briefly. He always felt warm inside when good things happened to good people.
“Continuing on , Paul left two million each to Jessan Baxter, Kenneth Wright, Bryan Trino, and Tiffany Caster with the understanding chores will be done and you’ll fix dinner every now and again.” The kids laughed and Teri smiled despite herself.
“Tim DeLaney ’s service to Paul has not ended with his passing, and he will continue to draw a salary as he administers his affairs and trusts. In addition, Paul has left Tim a sum of fifteen million dollars with gratitude for his dedication and his friendship.”
“That ’s more than his children!” Sara protested.
“Tim does more than his children , and I would have thought you’d learned your lesson against arguing by now.” Kyle held her eyes with the impassive face he used in the courtroom.
“To Kayley Goldstein , Paul left the deed to her apartment, various pieces of art, jewelry, and other items of value with an estimated worth of six and a half million in addition to fifteen million dollars.” Sara turned her back on Kayley again.
“I ’m going to read this last part verbatim. To Sara Lovett, my wife of sixteen years when I asked for a divorce, I leave the house in Phoenix, an estimated value of one and a half million dollars, and a sum of two million dollars.” Sara stood, but Kyle continued. “To Teri Giles, I leave my heart and the balance of my worldly possessions. At this time, that’s an estimated one hundred million dollars.”
• • •
Kyle sat back to wait. Arguments against the division of assets were thrown about on his left and Teri progressed from stunned silence to tears in front of him. Tim stood and pulled Teri to her feet. Before she got settled crying on his shoulder, he passed her to Flynn. Kayley rose to help comfort Teri, and Tim took up position to keep Sara on her side of the room.
Kyle ’s attention turned back to Sara, now standing at his desk.
“Sara , I understand this is a shock,” Kyle began.
“I am his wife . He won’t —”
Kyle held up a hand to stop her. “I strongly recommend you do not say or imply that you will contest this will. Paul left specific instructions if you do. Also consider that I am very good at