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Flying Burger
Book: Flying Burger Read Online Free
Author: Jared Martin
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ripple-effect to this song. Many clapped and tapped their feet in harmony with the song's tempo.
    Chen Wei hopped around on stage with the spot-light close at his heels. His mother's eyes never left him. Chen Wei held the microphone close to his mouth, stretched out his left hand, closed his eyes and reached for the high-note " sweet..." He sang his heart out. Many young hearts stopped beating for one minute. Chen Wei exuded youthful charisma. The whole hall was jubilant. When the song ended, Chen Wei smiled and waved to the audience. The applause was resounding. A female fan ran up to the stage holding a bouquet of red roses. She was overly excited and slipped. Chen Wei caught her in his arms and helped her up. She gave her roses to Chen Wei.
    "Thank you," he said.
    Before he knew what happened, this female fan hugged him tight. She left the stage shortly after.
    "Isn't that Evon on the stage? When did she sneak out to buy those roses?" Pointing her finger at Evon, Grace asked her friends.
    "I'd like to know the answers too," Vivian said.
    "She's fast," Elaine said.
    Chen Wei once again thanked the audience before exiting the stage holding his bouquet of red roses.
    Roger addressed the crowd. He was all smiles.
    “Thank you. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Now, I must make an announcement. Our department will be organising a space excursion next week. To be eligible for this space excursion, you need to sign up for our Spaceship Course next year and to answer a simple quiz. The forms are on the third level in this building.” Before Roger barely finished his last sentence, a mass exodus of female students from the exhibition sector occurred and more screams followed. The screams could be traced to the third floor of the same building. Mr. Arumugam was at the third level, inside the Administration Office. Looking at the huge, young crowd fighting for the Spaceship Course application forms, Mr. Arumugam nearly shed tears of joy. The vice-principal, who stood next to Mr. Arumugam, patted him on the shoulder. He gave Mr. Arumugam his look of approval, something so rare that it was like having found a needle in a haystack.
    Later in the evening, at the fresh food section of the shopping mall, Mrs. Andersen was pushing her cart along loaded with groceries. She met Mrs. Lin who was coming in the opposite direction also pushing a fully loaded cart.
    “What a surprise to see you here, Mrs. Andersen,” Mrs. Lin waved her hand.
    “Why yes, how do you do?”
    “I’m fine. My husband is also here, he’s at the wine section looking for his favourite red wine.”
    “I see.”
    “You wouldn’t, by any chance, know what is the ultra-warp speed, would you?” Mrs. Lin spoke in a hush tone, at the same time, leaning closer to Mrs. Andersen.
    “Excuse me?” Mrs. Andersen did not hear properly what was said.
    “Why, you see, Nikita wants to go for this space excursion. To do that, she has to answer a quiz. One of the questions is on ultra-warp speed. I thought you might have some ideas,” Mrs. Lin said.
    “I’m sorry, but I do not have the slightest clue what is this ultra-warp speed that you are talking about. I’m afraid I can’t help you.”
    “It’s all right, I guess others may not know the answer too. Thanks, anyway. You have a very good complexion. May I ask what is your secret formula?” Mrs. Lin paid compliments to the mature lady.
    “Why, thank you. I’m using a special avocado face-mask formula. My friend gave it to me,” Mrs. Andersen felt exhilarated.
    “Avocado, I see. Thank you. I have to get going now, my husband will be worried if he doesn’t see me. Good bye.” Mrs. Lin took note of the ingredient for she intended to try that later.
    “Good bye.” Mrs. Andersen echoed.
    After arriving home from shopping, Mr. Lin was helping his wife to prepare dinner in the kitchen.
    “'Amigos para siempre', that is so sweet. I knew this singer is a nice guy,” Mrs. Lin muttered to herself.
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