First Moon (New Moon Wolves) BBW Werewolf Romance Read Online Free

First Moon (New Moon Wolves) BBW Werewolf Romance
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    Chapter Three
    Audrey spent the next few hours poking around on the internet hoping to find more information about the unusual wolves she’d been running into lately. As she’d suspected, there weren’t any known wolves as large as the ones currently running amok in Northern Michigan. They didn’t exist. Unwilling to give up, she sent some emails to a few colleagues in the hopes that they might have some insight. With her wolf research at a dead end, she watched some Friends reruns and turned in early. A wolf with strawberry blonde fur ran through her dreams, baying at the moon in an eerie, high-pitched howl.
    Just before dawn, a metallic clanging noise yanked her out of a dream where a wolf stalked a rabbit, intent on feeling the defenseless animal’s heartbeat on its tongue. Audrey gave an involuntary shudder as she blinked the sleep out of her eyes. She’d been a vegetarian since she was eleven. The idea of eating meat, let alone hunting down any animal, was repugnant.
    There was more metal banging and then it abruptly stopped for a second. Audrey settled into her bed, intent on going back to sleep, but, just as she closed her eyes, the banging started up again. Soon, the screech of metal scraping over metal added to the cacophony.
    “Oh for goodness sake. What the hell is going on?” Her nearest neighbors were a quarter mile away and even the garbage truck didn’t make this much noise, not even when they dropped the cans by accident. She pulled on some yoga pants and shoved her feet into slippers before stepping outside into the cool morning air. The gray predawn sky looked down on her glumly as she followed her ears to her truck.
    Oh, shit. The wolf.
    She started to run.
    The cage bucked wildly up and down, side-to-side, the tarp fluttering in the air as it did so.
    “Hey, what’s going on?” Audrey knew the wolf wouldn’t understand her, but she hoped hearing her voice would give him pause. Most animals went still when they heard humans, even apex predators like wolves. If he didn’t calm down, she would have to consider shooting him before the animal slammed his way out of the cage. Bob hadn’t exactly invested in a cage that could withstand the strength of a large, powerful animal.
    Concerned for her safety, she quickly ran back into the house and retrieved her gun. The whole time, the cage banged against her truck like a deranged drummer. She winced, thinking of the damage the wolf was doing to the truck bed.
    Returning outside, this time armed, she advanced on the truck, her shoulders tense. “Calm down, big guy. I don’t want to have to hurt you.”
    As she spoke, the tarp slithered off and Audrey shrieked at what she saw inside the cage.
    It wasn’t a wolf, but a man. A naked man with well-defined muscles and flashing blue eyes offset by midnight black hair almost wavy enough to be called curly. A man strong enough to bend the metal holding him in. One side of the cage bulged as if he’d tried to throw himself through it. The remaining bars were bent as well, showing the strain of his strength.
    “I seem to be stuck in here,” he said with a sheepish grin. His voice was low and rough with a rock singer’s rasp.
    “I-I-I,” she stammered, almost dropping her gun in surprise. Not only was the guy buck naked, he was handsome enough to be a movie star and that voice…oh, that voice was doing wicked things to her despite her shock. “Y-y-you’re not a wolf.” Her voice squeaked and she covered her mouth, embarrassed by the sound.
    “Not today,” the man said matter-of-factly. “Do you mind letting me out?” When she hesitated, he added, “I don’t bite.” He flashed a charming smile her way. If the circumstances hadn’t been so odd, her knees would’ve gone wobbly.
    When she still hesitated, he said, “If you prefer, I can destroy the cage. I’m halfway there.” He pushed on the top, showing her how it had detached from the body of the cage at the corner. “But it’s still
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