up celebrating at The Ivy, and dancing on the table with joy. Whatever happened she would bend over backwards on her return and make it up to her only daughter. If they had to wait another six to eight months to sample some of the finest, if not the finest, food in the Capital then so be it.
Tony jabbed her in the ribs, interrupting her thoughts. ‘Hey, you with me, Lorne?’ They were travelling in the back of a black Renault to a destination only known by the agent.
‘Yeah, just thinking.’ She smiled, despite her tiredness.
‘About letting Charlie down?’ He probed.
She nodded, ‘Amongst other things.’
‘Did you explain why you’re coming to France?’
‘No. That was the hardest thing of all, not being able to tell her the truth. She’s made giant steps in her therapy. I thought if I told her the real reason behind my visit, it might set her back. I told her one of my oldest friends desperately needed my help.’
‘Well, that’s certainly true.’ He grabbed her hand, raised it and squeezed it tight, then said, ‘I couldn’t have done this without your help, Lorne.’ He surprised her further by touching his lips to the back of her hand.
She brushed the sentimental gesture aside not wishing to give it a second thought. ‘You old smoothie. You sure know how to wrap a girl round your little finger, don’t you?’
‘Years of practice, I guess. We should be at the hotel soon. We’re staying here in Paris tonight, and after an early breakfast, seven all right with you?’ she nodded, and he continued, ‘Another car is due to pick us up at seven-thirty, then we have a rendezvous lined up with a couple of Interpol agents, that part is all pretty hush hush. Not sure what will happen from there, but I’m assuming they’ll escort us to Normandy, and Baldwin’s new hang out.’
Lorne studied the famous Paris landmarks whizzing past her window, and bent forward to see if she could see the top of the Eiffel Tower. ‘I’m glad you’ve stopped calling him The Unicorn, it was such an unlikely name for the bastard.’
‘I know what you mean. Baldwin seems so much nastier, much more in keeping with his vile character.’
Considering Interpol were footing the bill, the hotel they were booked into turned out to be far grander than either of them had anticipated. One-step down from swanky in Lorne’s tourist guidebook.
A bellboy showed them to their rooms, which were opposite each other on the fourth floor.
Tony appeared to hesitate at his door, and Lorne pretended not to notice. She smiled to herself, feeling awkward. Please don’t try coming on to me Tony, please! ‘Remember, breakfast is at seven on the dot. Goodnight, Lorne.’
She closed the door and locked it behind her. A shudder swept through her. What was that all about? Why was Tony being so nice? Of course, he would be, he needs your help, you idiot. She chastised herself for looking for something that clearly didn’t exist. Had the Paris effect hit her? After all, this was supposed to be the most romantic city in the world. But she had no interest in Tony, or any other guy for that matter. When Jacques had died, she’d promised herself she’d never fall for anyone ever again. It was a promise she intended keeping. ‘Snap out of it, Lorne. You’re tired and imagining things,’ she told herself as she began unpacking her overnight bag.
She cleaned her teeth in the en-suite bathroom, and then settled into bed.
After half an hour of her mind refusing to switch off, she decided to call her father, back in London.
A groggy voice came on the line, ‘Yes, who is this?’
‘Hi, Dad, it’s me. Sorry to be calling so late, I just thought you might like to know that… I’ve arrived safely.’ She hesitated, then reprimanded herself for almost putting her foot in it. He had no idea she was even out of the country, let alone in Paris with a man. She’d told all her family she was visiting an old friend in Devon,