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Enforcer: A Bad Boy Romance
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burgers and fries. She needed some solid food in her. I knocked on the door before opening it. Alice was still chained to the bed right where I left her. Her skin was slick with sweat and her legs were shaking. I'd have to change the sheets tonight. She opened her eyes slowly and realized it was me.
    “Give me the fucking drugs, Locke. I need them right now.” The desire in her eyes was unmistakable. She'd do anything right now for a fix.
    I sat down on the edge of the bed, keeping my distance. Her nails were long and she could do some serious damage. “Your dealer skipped town, Alice. Tell me where he went and I'll get you the drugs.”
    Alice sank back into the bed, slowly whispering to herself, “You told me you would get me the drugs. You told me you would get me drugs.” Her eyes darted back and forth across the room.
    I raised my voice. “Tell me where your dealer went and I'll get you your drugs.”
    She looked up at me with wide eyes. “I have no idea. I only knew the one place. Now please give me something. I can't take much more of this.”
    I was at a dead end. It could take me weeks to find that cockroach of a dealer. The O'Malley brothers wouldn't like this. Just because I grew up with them didn't protect me from their extreme punishments. I could lose a hand for this. Literally.
    I set the bag of fast food down on the nightstand next to Alice. “Where the fuck are you going?” she demanded. If only I could fuck her to shut the bitch up. Alice's blouse was dark with sweat and her erect nipples were poking through. The stiffness in my pants was ordering me to fuck her and get her addicted to my cock. Alice was chained to my bed and it wouldn't be hard to take her. It might make both of us feel better. But she wasn't in any condition for sex. And I needed to clear my head.
    I left the room to Alice throwing every curse word known to man at me. She was going to have to beat this addiction or die trying.
    I leaned against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the ground in the hallway. What was I going to do with Alice? She shouldn't even be here right now. Why was I being such a do-gooder. That wasn't me. That wasn't the Locke that beat this shit out of people for a living. With any other person, I'd have thrown them away the second I got the information.
    But Alice was different. I wanted to save her. Save her from herself. But my honor was going to get us both killed.


I could barely keep down the cheeseburgers that Locke brought me. I was so hungry but the withdrawals were kicking my ass. They weren't as bad as the night before but I didn't know how I was going to make it out of this alive.
    That night, the aching and shaking subsided and I was able to get some real sleep. The next morning, I woke up feeling almost normal again. Almost. The overwhelming need for heroin was still there but it was somewhat more manageable. I had thrown away my life for a drug and now was the time to get it back.
    “How are you feeling?” Locke asked as he swaggered into the room, carrying a box.
    I rubbed my eyes and squinted against the sunlight coming through the blinds. “Feels like a nasty hangover but not feeling like I'm going to implode at any moment.”
    “I'm glad to hear.” Locke set the box down at the foot of the bed. “Here's your stuff from that dump you called home.”
    I looked around at the holes in the stained walls. “You shouldn't be talking. Your place ain't much better.”
    Locke almost fell over laughing. His smile was contagious. “I'm going to make some breakfast, if you want some.”
    “I'd like that very much.” I stood up and the handcuffs preventing me from getting very far. I fell right back down on the bed.
    “I guess you won't be needing those anymore.” Locke produced a set a keys and fit a skinny one into the cuffs. My wrist was red but not too sore.
    I realized what Locke had done for me.
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