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Duet in Blood
Book: Duet in Blood Read Online Free
Author: J. P. Bowie
Tags: Romance
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shuddering moan as he filled me with his semen.
    How I longed for him to stay with me there in my cell, to hold him in my arms, to know every part of him and keep him by my side forever. But, it was not to be. As he pulled on his clothes, he gave me a sweet, but sad, smile.
    “They must not know what we have done,” he said, his voice low so as not to be
    overhead. “Else they will not allow me to return to you. In the meantime, I will try to devise some means of escape for us both.”
    He kissed me tenderly just before the door was pushed open, and again, he was taken from my sight.
    But it seemed that the wizards knew we had exchanged more than we should, for the following night Bernard did not come to my cell at the allotted time. Instead, Tito the one they had assigned to my care came with the sad tidings.
    J.P. Bowie
    “Poor, poor vampire boy,” he snickered, handing me a goblet filled to the brim. “That’s the last of his blood you will receive, I’m afraid. You’d best drink it, if you want to survive the next few hours.”
    “What happened to him?” I asked, gazing into the dark, thick liquid.
    “He threatened the Master and demanded that he release you from our bondage. Silly boy. After we bled him, we threw him outside, just as the sun was rising. He ran off, screaming at the top of his lungs. He’s probably a little scorched lump by this time.” He cackled nastily as he looked at me, still holding the goblet in my hands. “Better drink it.
    There’s no more where that came from.”
    Bernard , I thought, forgive me for what I now do. I pray that you survived your ordeal, and that we might meet again one day.
    And then, I drank his blood.
    J.P. Bowie

Chapter One
    Los Angeles: Present Day
    Saturday night and I was home alone again. With a heavy sigh, I tossed the book I’d been reading to one side and rolled off the couch I’d been lying on for the past three hours. I gave a mighty stretch then headed for the kitchen. Pulling a beer from the refrigerator, I popped the cap and chugged about half the bottle’s contents in one go, before exhaling a long breath of satisfaction.
    “Damn good,” I muttered then gulped back the rest of the beer. After tossing the bottle into the trash can, I ambled back into the living room and threw myself back down on the couch.
    I was bored and pissed that another lonely evening loomed ahead of me, one of the many I’d endured since my ex, Robert, had left. I wasn’t going to give in to wondering what had gone wrong—again. I’d turned that particular subject over and over in my mind countless times, until even I was tired of it. And every time, I came up with the same answer—I had most probably just bored Robert to death.
    It had all seemed so great at the start. We both had so much in common. We liked the same kind of music, enjoyed Italian food, hiking, tennis, movies—and the sex had been so damned great…for me, anyway. In my mind’s eye, I could see Robert’s sleek, smooth body, lightly tanned, firmly muscled. He wasn’t exactly a gym bunny, but he exercised there enough to keep that delectable physique tight and taut. He’d felt so good in my hands…so warm and sensual. Now someone else was caressing that body, kissing those plump lips—
    Jesus Christ! I was doing it again.
    “Let it go!” I yelled, jumping to my feet, tears of frustration springing to my eyes. “Let him go. He’s not coming back.”
    “I’m not coming back.” Those were the last words Robert had said, just before stalking to the door of this very room and slamming it behind him. I could still hear the resounding DUET IN BLOOD
    J.P. Bowie
    crash of finality as the door had been banged into its frame with such force, the walls had shuddered, and I’d heard the angry voices of the neighbours yelling, “Cut it out!”
    I’d stood in the centre of this room, stunned into disbelief that he had really left me. Left
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