she let her gut guide her. “I’d like to see you try.” She took a step forward and lunged, roaring like she did when the raccoons thought to attack the garbage cans. To her surprise, the green dude recoiled, dropping his baton which hit the floor with a clang and rolled toward Louisa. She dove on the weapon, and wrapped a fist around it. She immediately popped to her feet, only to see the alien exit the room, the door sliding shut behind him. What do you know, even evil Martians are pussies if confronted by a strong woman.
Turning back around, tapping her victory against her palm, she faced her stunned students. “Told you we were kidnapped by aliens.” The smug announcement matched her smirk.
“And you totally psyched him out!”
A true smile broke free as the girls high fived her.
Breaking into excited chatter, her students huddled, throwing the occasional suspicious glance over their shoulder to see if anyone spied. They came up with a few plans. Most unfeasible, but at least it gave them focus. And best of all, hope, which no matter how dire the situation, Louisa wouldn’t take from them.
Chapter Four
Ducking the laser shots, aimed to kill rather than incapacitate, Xarn cursed his stupidity in daring Murphy. As usual, the deity chose to frukx with them, and quite spectacularly, too. “How much farther to the ship?”
“Not far, but our chances of making it with all our body parts intact are looking pretty slim,” Brax replied before turning to shoot. A scream echoed behind them.
“I can’t believe the nerve of that bastard, freezing our credits like that and framing us for something we didn’t do.” Xarn complained for the thousandth time since they’d gotten the news of the warrant out for their arrest. While their apparent murder of the governor’s mistress would enhance their reputation, it peeved him off. He preferred to get credit for things they’d actually done and while he or Brax would have done her in a heartbeat, they had this tiny moral code that didn’t allow them to kill females in cold blood.
“Are you sure you didn’t accidentally screw her to death when you were drunk the other night?”
“I’m sure.” What he didn’t admit was he’d woken in a pile of vomit on the floor of his favorite whore’s room. Despite his lack of prowess, due to over imbibing, she’d still pocketed his credits.
I have got cut back on the alcohol consumption. More fun in his youth, the glamour of going on drinking binges that lasted several galactic cycles didn’t appeal as much. Now, after one night of it, he felt like reheated Jisu shit and it took forever to recover. I’m getting old.
The idea depressed him and made him careless. A burning pain sliced across his arm. One of their attackers—also known as the police for this particular city—got lucky and scored a hit.
Xarn took careful aim and fired. At least the pig, literally with a pair of hairy snouts, wouldn’t live to brag he’d damaged one of the famous purple friends. Known as the Dual Terrors, he and Brax maintained their reputation by daring deeds, devastating prowess and impeccable charm. Oh, and laughter, because despite their violent intentions, for some reason, beings found it hard to take them seriously. That worked in their favor quite often.
His cousin, Tren, claimed their mothers had shoved some kind of lucky charm up their anuses when they were babes, while Jaro opined they’d sold their souls to some kind of galactic deity. Truthfully, he and Brax were just awesome and his cousins—who treated Brax like the brother he’d always wanted—were jealous. And that went double for the rest of the universe who had not yet recognized them as the most wonderful mercenaries and acquisitions specialists ever.
Despite their impressive track record, the distinction of ‘Best’ kept bypassing them, although it did remain in the family. It recently belonged to Tren, who thankfully retired when he kidnapped a