Declutter Your Life: Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity, and Enjoy Your Clutter-Free Life Read Online Free

Declutter Your Life: Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity, and Enjoy Your Clutter-Free Life
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rhythmical pattern calms the fight or flight reaction in your body and will help you consider issues more clearly.
    Movement is often a way to expunge nervous energy and relax your mind. Short and vigorous walks, a couple of rounds up and down the stairs, some stretching exercises or a turn on the treadmill are all great ways to reduce stress. Add some music via headphones and an MP3 player to help redirect your mind from the clutter of problems or thoughts occupying center stage.
    For a quick mental getaway from any location, practice mental imagery. Imagine a restful place using all of your senses. Think about how it looks, sounds, feels, tastes, and smells. Using a place you know well can help bring it realistically to mind and concentrating on all of the sensations will take your mind away from the current task and provide a soothing mental break.
    There are many ways to obtain a relaxed or calm mindset. I personally find online or phone app games like Bubble Pop sooth my mind and calm my breathing. My husband likes to vent to a friend or family member as a way to get the mental kinks out and one lady I know finds a hot cup of tea and a few quiet moments to be the perfect remedy to a stressful afternoon.

Learn to Let Go
    Sometimes, mental clutter occurs because we hold all of our responsibilities close to the chest. Often, we can delegate some of our tasks to others or ask for help. It can be difficult to let go of work or obligations, but over committing is bad for you and bad for the people you are trying to help. Learn to delegate appropriate tasks and trust capable people to handle them. You can also delegate in your home and social life. Do not snap up every volunteer opportunity that comes your way and ask the kids to carry some of the weight for house work. By allowing people to help, you free yourself up to provide quality time and effort on tasks that you cannot delegate.
    The constantly-connected, fast-paced world of today has made everyone a multitasker. As a business manager, I often saw applicants list multitasking as one of their strengths, probably because it was a keyword that they thought inspired confidence. While multitasking is certainly necessary in many aspects of life, there are times when you need to shut out the clamor and concentrate on the task at hand. Allowing the weight of your to-do list to interrupt work, play or other activities can diminish your productivity or enjoyment.
Get in Touch with Nature
    The natural world provides plenty of ideas on how to live a less cluttered life. You do not see wildlife bounding about at madcap paces in order to pay the bills and socialize. Instead, they go about their work with a steady pace meant to see them through the winter. Getting out into the world and enjoying the beautiful sights and sounds is also a great way to clear your mind and separate yourself from the clutter of your life. Go on a short walk in the park, take an afternoon hike or bike ride, or get away for a weekend cabin in the woods. Musician Jeremy Camp writes in his book, I Still Believe, that he often sought solace and prayer time in the woods when he was confused or depressed with life. Getting away provides perspective and allows you to see what should and should not be in your life.
Declutter Your Social Life
    An excessive social life can be the fast track to mental clutter. I am not proposing that you become a hermit or develop antisocial habits, but I do think there is something to be said for moderation in all things. Take a look at your day planner or calendar. If the days are nothing more than swirls of ink and penciled-in tasks, it is possible your week is cluttered beyond reason. If you do not have a calendar or planner, then you may have a cluttered social life without even realizing it.
Keeping a Calendar
    One of the first steps in decluttering your social life is getting a visible look at your activities. You do not need to splurge on an expensive leather
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