go into a pickup truck. I haven’t see that guy in years. Not since my uncle’s issues landed on our doorstep. What the fuck was he doing here? Wait, was Brady his brother? Does he even have a brother? I don’t have time for this shit.
I knocked on her door. She opened it and my decision was made. Either way she is coming with me whether she wants to or not. She looked fucking stunning. Her hair was perfect and the makeup was subtle. I thought she was fucking beautiful before, but whatever my sister did, she was too damn sexy. I am going to kick Claire in her ass. She did this to tick me off.
“What are you doing here?” For a brief moment, I could have sworn I’d seen a smile before the grimace.
“I am here to take you out tonight.”
“The fuck you are, I don’t want to go anywhere with you, ever.” I was trying not to let my jealousy get the better of me, but she was willing to go out with a guy, from just a picture, with a reputation worse than mine.
“So what was Travis Williams doing here?”
“Who is Travis Williams?”
“Good, so he was visiting someone else. Is your other lover here?” Williams was a common last name.
“What lover?” As she looked at me, confused, I walked into her place. I wasn’t going to let her get away with playing dumb with me. That shit was just pissing me off.
“The fuck you got living with you.” I looked around and the place was neat as fuck, and everything looked too expensive for a girl who ran away.
“He is none of your business.” I was about to tell her, everything she did was now my business but I spotted a picture on the counter and low and behold it was her and Travis Williams. Interesting, I wonder if she knew. I know a way to get rid of him from her life now.
“Let’s go. I have dinner plans tonight and you are my date.”
“Hey dude, I don’t even know you and again you are trying to boss me around. Get the fuck out, before I call Brady, and have him come back here.” She grabbed her phone to make like she was going to call him, but I had nothing to lose and I am pretty sure, Brady/Travis, whatever he wanted to call himself did.
“Please do babe, I would love to have a talk with Williams. In fact I will give him a call right now.” I had snatched the phone from her little hands. She pulled at my arm to stop me from contacting him. The feel of her hand on my arm, even through my suit, had me hard as fuck.
“Fine, I will go with you, but only this one time.” The little brat had the nerve to be put out as she took her phone back. I touched her angry cheek, with the back of my hand, making her blush. “We’ll see about that, Samantha.”
“I need to change into something a little nicer, excuse me.” She tried to hide that shit, but that blush was a clear sign; she liked my touch.
I walked around her apartment waiting for her and on the table was a stack of photos from her graduation and almost every picture had Travis in it, but none had her parents in them. What the fuck was up with that situation. I needed to find out. They seemed toxic to her and I don’t want them around my wife and kids.
She came out of the bedroom and I nearly came in my pants. What the fuck was she wearing? That dress screamed ‘look at me’. It was tight from top to bottom in a rich dark blue. Her breast were straining to make an appearance and her ass was perfect. I wanted to tell her to go change, but I needed to get going.
“You look so gorgeous.” I was practically salivating, when she blushed at my compliment. She grabbed her purse and turned off the kitchen light.
“Let’s go, dude.” She sounded like she was going to the gallows to down play the attraction between us. It wasn’t going to work with me.
“Red, don’t sound too excited. My name is Rick. Now come on, we have to pick up Claire.” She came up to me looking pissed, just as I opened the front door. I looked down at her angry face and caught her breasts give a bounce, fuck if my