haven’t talked to Ducky in a few days, so I had no idea that he’d been in
line for Jax tickets and his bracelet was #261. And so he scored FOUR TICKETS.
Now get this. He just called and said he wants to take Amalia, Sunny, and me to
the concert.
When Ducky told me this I screamed so loudly into the phone that I hurt
his ear and he yelped. And Carol thought something had happened to me and
came flying into the kitchen to see what was the matter. The moment she came
flying in, I realized something. I couldn’t tell her why I had screamed. Because I
can’t tell her about the concert. Not yet. I am going to have to approach the
concert issue VERY careful y. Dad and Carol are not going to take well to the
concert. I mean, I don’t think that I can say to them, “Can Ducky drive Amalia and
Sunny and me to North Palo late on a Friday night to go to a Jax concert in a
club where liquor will be served?” and expect them to reply, “Oh, sure, honey.
You go along. Have lots of fun.”
Anyway, I’m off the subject.
I waved Carol out of the kitchen, saying, “Oh, Ducky just told me some
good news. Sorry I scared you.”
Then I apologized to Ducky for nearly destroying his hearing.
He said, “That’s all right. I guess we should get used to it. The concert is
going to be real y loud. So anyway, this means you want to go.”
“Are you kidding me? Yes, yes, YES!” I paused. “I hope Dad and Carol will
let me go,” I added.
“You think they might not?”
“I don’t know. A late night. Drinking at the club.”
“Hmm,” said Ducky. “Well, talk to them, and let me know what happens,
“Sure. I may have to work on them slowly, though.”
Friday 2/19
Of course, al I have been able to think about since last night is the
can’t quite believe it. Last night I actual y pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t
dreaming. (I wasn’t. And now I have a bruise on my thigh.)
I have been daydreaming endlessly about Pierre. It will be fantastic to see
him in person…but what if, somehow, I get to MEET him? Maybe Ducky and I
could hang around the back entrance of the club and when the band members
leave I could thrust a slip of paper at Pierre and he could AUTOGRAPH it for me.
Maybe he would even write his full name and I would find out what the X is for.
No. I can’t hang around and wait for his autograph like some silly Beatles
fan. That’s no good.
Maybe I could encourage Ducky to have a little accident on the way home.
Just a slight one. And then Pierre would happen along in his red Jaguar (I’m
positive that’s what he drives) and stop to help us. That way, not only would I get
a personal greeting and an autograph, but I might even get to touch him.
Better yet
Oh, got to go. Dinner.
Late Friday night 2/19
I just thought of something. I have been so wrapped up in the excitement
of the tickets and my fantasies about Pierre that I’ve barely paid attention to one
horrifying detail. Ducky said he wants to take Amalia, me, and SUNNY to the
An evening with SUNNY.
What was I thinking?
Saturday morning 2/20
I cannot go to the concert with Sunny. I just can’t.
Saturday morning 2/20 9:07
Not see Jax live? Not see Pierre in person? I must be crazy. Of course I’m
going to go to the concert.
Saturday morning 2/20 9:10
With SUNNY????
Saturday evening 2/20
I have been thinking about the Sunny dilemma al day. Obsessively. I’ve
thought about it way more than about having to ask Dad and Carol for
permission to go to the concert in the first place. Maybe I should worry about that
instead. After al , the concert is in just 13 days. I have a lot of work to do.
Saturday night 2/20 10:42
Saturday night 2/20 10:44
If Dad and Carol let me go.
Sunday 2/21
All right. I decided I have to