Burning Read Online Free Page B

Book: Burning Read Online Free
Author: K.D. Carrillo
Tags: dpgroup.org, Fluffer Nutter
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we complete it.  Call it magic, biology, what have you, but we will be driven to mate and cement the link to each other forever,” he answered.
    “That isn’t all we are , is it?  I love you, Dean.  Yeah, I want you, but I would, magic or not,” I insisted. 
    “I love you too.  That is why we feel this.  You are my one, and I am yours.  Our bodies know it. Only your mind is unconvinced,” he comforted. 
    “Maybe we should work at convincing my mind,” I purred. 
    “Anita, baby, you are killing me.” Dean’s voice was strained. 
    “Nice to know that you want me that badly too, but that isn’t what I was talking about.  I want to take you home to meet my mother,” I explained. 
    He cocked his head to the side, which he always did when he was thinking. 
    “I’ m getting there,” I whispered.
    “Sickeningly adorable, aren’t they?” I said, walking toward Chloë. 
    She had a wistful look on her face.  She wasn’t jealous, but I could see that she wanted what they had, and I wanted to give it to her. 
    Chloë turned to face me, her full lips pulling into a smile, and her warm, brown eyes flashed emerald green.  It used to frighten me to see how strong her reaction to me was, but now I found it encouraging.  Truthfully, I had only really been frightened because I’d felt the same way. I just hadn’t been ready to admit it.  I was ready now.
    “How was your trip?” Chloë asked. 
    “Eh,” I responded vaguely.  “It was missing something,” I continued. 
    She cocked her eyebrow at me.  “You were in Europe . What could have been missing?” 
    I smiled at her and tugged on one of her long curls.  “You,” I responded.  
    “Finn…” she warned. 
    “Chloë…” I refused to back down.
    She sighed.  “I thought we were going to try and be friends?” 
    “I tried.  I want you too badly—physically, emotionally, and permanently.  No, not want. I need you.  You still want me too.”  I put my index finger over her lips when I could sense she was going to argue with me, and I felt the delicious jolt of electricity travel between us.  “Don’t deny it.  I know you felt that.  Your eyes can’t lie to me.”
    “I won’t deny it.  I want you . I’ve always wanted you, and I probably always will.  Maybe someday we can get it together and be on the same page at the same time,” she admitted. 
    “You want me right now?” I asked.
    She nodded hesitantly. 
    “ You have feelings for me, more than lust?”
    Again, she nodded.  
    I wrapped my arms around her waist, and she softened against my chest.  I stroked her silky , soft hair and whispered, “Then we are on the same page at the same time.”  She tensed in my arms.  “Shh. I won’t push too fast.  Go out with me.  Let’s do it right this time.  Let me take you on a real, ordinary date,” I urged.
    “An ordinary date?  You’re really trying to sell it , aren’t you?” she teased. 
    “Dinner and a moonlit stroll.   I’ll grow you some flowers.  I’ll be a gentleman and walk you to the door.  Maybe you’ll kiss me goodnight.  You know, a normal first date,” I said trying to convince her. 
    “Normal, e xcept you are going to sleep down the hallway.  How are you going to avoid me if things get too serious for you?” she asked nervously.
    Ah, at last, we were getting to her worries.  “I don’t want to avoid you, and I want us to get very serious.  I want to prove to you that I’m not going to run again,” I promised her. 
    She looked into my eyes , and I could see her hesitation flicker briefly.  “I’m not sure how you are going to do that, Finn.” 
    “I’m going to keep trying until you believe me,” I replied confidently.  
    “Well I guess that could work,” she responded and playfully bumped my shoulder with hers.
    “Tonight?” I asked. 
    “You move fast.  Tonight , huh?” she thought, tapping her finger against her chin.
    “You really have

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