Broken Pieces Read Online Free

Broken Pieces
Book: Broken Pieces Read Online Free
Author: Carla Cassidy
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mind, a memory of youthful love and promises never fulfilled. He approached the table, a wide smile curving his mouth. “I’ll be damned,” he said. “If it isn’t Mariah Sayers.”
    “Hello, Clay,” she said. There was little left of the young man she remembered. His handsome features had coarsened over the years and he had the telltalebroken vessels in his nose that said he was probably a man who liked his booze.
    “I wondered if you’d show up here. Sorry about your dad, may he rest in peace.” He grinned at Kelsey. “It’s easy to see where you came from. You look just like your mama did when I knew her.” He looked back at Mariah. “We need to get together and talk about old times. I’ll let Sherri know you’re back in town, and maybe you could come over for dinner one night.”
    “Sherri? Sherri Weaver?” Mariah asked.
    “Yeah. She chased me until she caught me ten years ago. We’ve got four boys who keep her on her toes.” He gazed at her for a long moment. “I always wondered what happened to you. You just disappeared one day.”
    “Long story for another time,” she replied.
    “How long you planning on staying in town?”
    “Just until I can get the house in order and on the market,” she replied.
    He drew his shoulders back, the gesture doing little to lessen the thick paunch around his middle. “You need anything or have any problems, you let me know. As the sheriff and as an old friend, I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”
    “Thank you, Clay. It was nice seeing you again.”
    He nodded, gave Kelsey another smile, then left their table. “Wow, it’s nice to know my mom knows all the important people in town,” Kelsey exclaimed.
    Mariah laughed. “The last time I saw Clay, his biggest claim to fame was that he could catch any football that any quarterback could throw to him.”
    “He looks like he’s been catching more pizzas than footballs lately,” Kelsey said.
    Mariah tried to give her daughter a stern look, but it was impossible to do with Kelsey’s eyes dancing with humor. “I’m sure he’s a great sheriff,” she finally managed to say. “And now let’s get out of here and head back to the house. I’m so exhausted I feel like I could sleep for a hundred years.”
    “What are we going to do for groceries? There’s nothing in that kitchen that I’m going to eat tomorrow,” Kelsey said as they got out of the booth.
    “When we get up in the morning, we’ll head to the grocery store and get some supplies in. I just don’t feel like doing it tonight.”
    When they left the restaurant, dark clouds hung heavy overhead and a distant rumble of thunder accompanied a brisk wind.
    “Looks like a storm is coming,” Kelsey said as they got into the car. “Hmm, I’ll sleep good tonight.”
    Thankfully Mariah hadn’t transferred her own dislike of storms to her daughter. Kelsey had always slept like a baby when it rained.
    The rain held off as they drove to the house. When they arrived, Kelsey went directly to her room and Mariah followed after her. She sat on the edge of the bed while Kelsey went into the bathroom and changed into her pajamas; then she tucked her daughter in with a good-night kiss.
    “I’m sorry this screwed up all your summer plans back home,” she said as she stroked a strand of Kelsey’s dark hair away from her face.
    “It’s okay.” Kelsey grinned. “You’ll pay for it later. When I want you to buy me a car, I’ll remind you of the sacrifice I made this summer.”
    Mariah leaned forward and gave Kelsey another kiss, then rose from the bed. “You have a long timebefore you need to think about what kind of car you want to drive.”
    “In two months I’ll be fifteen and can get my learner’s permit,” Kelsey yelled after her mom.
    “Talk to me in two months,” Mariah said with a laugh as she left the bedroom.
    The laughter faded as she went into the small room she’d called home for all the years she’d lived in this house. Kelsey
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