Bound by Lust Read Online Free

Bound by Lust
Book: Bound by Lust Read Online Free
Author: Shanna Germain
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bounded away as a woman rushed up waving a rolled-up newspaper. “Fido!” she
snapped, grabbing his leash and swatting his ass good and hard. He howled in happy self-pity. She looked over her shoulder at Dev. “I’m so sorry! Has he been bothering your bitch? He’s such a bad dog: he won’t obey a word I say!”
    â€œNo problem,” grinned Dev. “Just keep him away from the cats.”
    The naughty dog decided that sounded like a great idea and, spotting the pretty kittens on the far side of the room, set off determinedly toward them, yipping and towing his mistress. I had to cover my mouth with my hand to hide my giggles.
    â€œOkay,” said Dev. “I think we need to calm down.”
    I tried to look contrite as he led me to a chair in a corner. Sitting, he stretched his legs out in front of him and crossed his ankles. I took up my customary position straddling his shins, my head on his lap. I love Dev, but when I’m being Princess I love him even more, with a dog’s unstinting trust and devotion. My pussy rested comfortably on the jut of his booted foot, my bare ass pointing at the world. Dev sipped his beer and watched me, his gaze sliding over the curves of my shoulders and waist and butt, over my spread thighs.
    I nodded. There was no rule against me talking, but silence helped me feel in character. Dev held the plastic glass of water to the level of my mouth and I lapped at it, grateful despite my awkwardness.
    â€œYou enjoying yourself, Princess?”
    I smiled, my eyebrows telegraphing how much wicked fun I was having, and wriggled my bottom against the upper of his boot. The leather felt cool against my warm, wet pussy.
    â€œDirty little bitch,” he murmured, pressing up into the concavity of my sex as his fingers tickled my neck and jaw. A chrome boot stud rubbed my clit, and I sighed with pleasure.
“You would have let that bad dog lick your ass, wouldn’t you?”
    I shrugged, teasing.
    â€œYou’d have let him mount you, dirty little bitch.” His fingers stroked my throat, making me groan. I could feel the wet I was leaving on his polished leather.
    Yes, maybe I would have. It’s hard to think ahead when you’re a dog; that’s the master’s job. I wasn’t feeling at all responsible right now: I was aroused and completely surrendered to Dev’s caressing fingers and pressing boot. Part of me was aware of the room around me, but only as a setting and a witness to my unashamed pleasure.
    â€œMaybe I should find you a good stud dog.”
    Heat flooded my cunt, and I opened my eyes wide in alarm.
    â€œWe can probably do better than that silly mongrel.” Dev set aside the drinks and reached to fondle my breasts. “What do you think, Princess?”
    â€œOh,” I said, as he tugged my nipples, rolling and pinching them between his fingers. Hot lashes of sensation ran all the way down from his fingertips to my clit.
    â€œYes, I think that’s a very good idea. A nice big stud dog to mate with my horny little bitch.”
    I met his gaze, my trepidation undisguised. We’d played with other people at the club, sure: I’d been spanked and scratched, groped and tickled. But that was all. It had never gone all the way. The thought of Dev picking someone to fuck me…
    It made me burn and squirm and recoil and grind my hips. “Which one shall I choose?” he whispered, sending shivers all over my painted skin. My heart was beating so hard he must have been able to feel it against his knee. “Something with a good pedigree. Something strong and fit and eager. With a nice big cock and fat, heavy balls. Something…” He lifted his face, looking out into the room. “What do you think?”

    I craned my neck to see.
    Oh fuck. It was Mistress Freda and her sub, Victor.
    That thought was nearly enough to make me come there and then; a quivering spasm ran
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