BetweenTwoBillionairesCompleteStripped Read Online Free

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strange men.” My words
sound immature and a bit pathetic, not to mention laced with
depression. I don't care though. This night has been horrible. I
can't hide all the negative emotions going through me anymore. I'm
sure that as soon as I get outside, I'm going to have a good cry.
    “ They get a
change of clothing.” He raises an eyebrow at me, acting
    “ That's not
why you want me to go upstairs with you.” I wrap my arms around
myself protectively, refusing to look at him.
    “ Would it make
you feel safer if I promise we won't have sex?” He takes a step
back down the stairs.
    “ Not really.”
    “ Well, if you
want this,” he raises the shoe up, “and some dry clothes,
then you'll come.”
    I want both, but
it's not worth the price. He could just as easily bring the clothes
down here and show me where the bathroom is, but he won't do it. That
means he has other intentions.
    “ Thanks, but
no thanks.” I turn, preparing to leave.
    The guy quickly
descends the rest of the stairs, reaching out to grab my hand. My
eyes land on our joined hands, and I scowl. “Let me go.”
I jerk away from him. He doesn't resist.
    “ Hey.”
He calls my attention up to his face. His expression is gentle and
sincere. “I'm not going to hurt you, and I'm not going to do
anything to you that you don't want. I promise. I just thought we'd
go upstairs because changing takes a while, and both restrooms
downstairs have a line to them.”
    When he puts it that
way, it does make more sense. The house is packed, and if there are
only two restrooms downstairs, then I imagine they would be crowded.
There are a lot of people drinking, and that means a lot of people
who need to use the restroom.
    I hesitate,
exploring his face for any signs of deception. It's always the nice
guys who are the worst. And this guy seems way too nice. He retrieved
my shoe. He helped me up off the floor. He offered me clothes to
change into. And now he's offering me a private place to change. The
warning alarms are still going off, but I decide to trust him anyway.
    “ Alright,”
I reply timidly.
    My heart is racing
as I follow him into the unknown. Up here, I'm not safe. I know that.
He could do things to me, and it's highly likely that no one would
hear me cry for help. Even if they did, would anyone come? It's
    He opens a door at
the end of the hallway, and we step inside. As I feared, it's a
bedroom. My stomach churns unpleasantly as I consider the possibility
of being trapped with a man who could easily overpower me. It doesn't
help that he closed the door behind us.
    I fidget with the
strap on my other shoe as the man breaks away from me and goes to
rummage through one of the drawers. It doesn't take long before he
has two articles of clothing in hand. He returns to me, holding up a
white T-shirt and a red pair of shorts. “They're not your size,
but they'll do. The shorts have a tie on them, so you should be able
to make them fit.”
    “ Thanks.”
I reach out to take the clothes from him, but he recoils, the same
way he did with my shoe earlier. It's then that I realize he
conveniently left it on the dresser.
    A devious smirk
crosses his lips as he walks over to a chair in the corner of the
room and sits down with both garments in hand. I give him a confused
    “ Strip,”
the word is cold and unmistakable.
    “ What?”
My stomach rolls. Of course, this guy is a creep. They say that if it
seems too good to be true, it probably is. I should have listened to
those warning alarms going off earlier and just left.
    “ You didn't
really think I brought you up here just for a change of clothes, did
you?” his tone darkens. “You're a stripper, so strip.”
    My jaw tenses in
anger and disgust. What a pig.
    “ I don't feel
good,” I lie. “Why do you think I was leaving? If I felt
like stripping, I would have done it downstairs.” My words are
calculated. I have to get myself out of this situation and save
Ethel's night at
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