Gabby ignored her, not taking her eyes off Steffen. “I finally found a teacher who knew you left with Terren, though she wasn’t sure when you were coming back. I visited every other day! A four-mile walk from Oakshen, eight miles both ways! I never knew when you would come—”
Steffen interrupted Gabby by leaning down and pressing his lips against hers, figuring it was the most logical way of expressing everything he was feeling—sorrow for not being able to tell her he’d left, remorse for not knowing that he’d felt this way about her until now.
It crossed his mind that a kiss wasn’t supposed to be logical. But the act was other things as well, too many things for him to figure out in that moment.
As their lips met, she froze, and then her arms came around his neck and her lips danced, taking his whole mouth into rhythm with hers.
“Before you make this any more uncomfortable for us,” Effie said plainly, “there’s still something you all need to know about Reela.”
Gabby held Steffen’s cheek as they parted, showing him a warm smile. Even being wet from the rain, his stomach and chest felt hot.
Reela cleared her throat to get their attention. When they turned, Steffen found himself gasping in unison with Gabby.
“Bastial stars, your ears!” he yelled.
Reela had unclipped one already, reaching in to unclip the other from her hair. They were pointed at the top…like Elf ears, but not as pronounced. And they were smaller, close to the size of Human ears.
Steffen didn’t understand what he was looking at. “How did your ears change like that?” He was rudely pointing and slowly lowered his arm when he realized he was doing it.
“Change?” Reela tilted her head. “They’ve always been like this. You just haven’t seen them.”
That’s when Steffen knew this was some sort of joke. He laughed. “That’s funny. You tricked me.” He came closer to inspect them. “They look so real. How’d you do that?”
Gabby seemed to understand now, laughing as well. “Oh, I get it. But Steffen’s right. They do look real.”
Reela folded her arms, sharing what seemed to be an annoyed look with Effie. “They’re real. I’m half Elf. Vithos was my half brother.”
“Reela, stop making jokes,” Steffen grunted out, starting to wonder why she and Effie were putting such an effort into this. It wasn’t even funny, especially now that she’d brought Vithos into it.
“It’s true,” Zoke added. “She shared an Elven father with Vithos.”
“He knew?” Effie blurted in anger.
Suddenly the truth hit Steffen like a punch to the gut. His whole body stiffened, and he put his hand on his head as he felt himself teetering.
“What…I…my Bastial stars…Reela, why’d you keep this from us?” Steffen asked.
Gabby turned to him. “Wait, they’re serious?”
Reela and Effie nodded.
Then all was silent except the sound of Gabby sucking in air dramatically.
While the storm raged outside, they spent the next few hours drinking sakal and listening to Reela share the history of her Elven half brothers.
“Rek and Vithos were separated when they were two years old,” she explained. “They’d lived in Merejic with the Elves. But an army of Krepps led by two monstrous Slugari attacked. My father was the Elven leader. During the assault, it was clear they were going to lose, so my father tied his young sons, Rek and Vithos, to the backs of wolves trained from years of psyche to run south to Kyrro if such an assault were to happen. But the one carrying Vithos was killed before it could escape, and he was taken.”
Effie interrupted, “So you do know who your father is?”
Reela nodded apologetically. “I’ve known since I was old enough to understand. That’s how I know all of this. He managed to survive and came to Kyrro searching for Rek. Eventually he met my mother and told her this story. I’d never met him, that part is true. But it’s because he died, not because