and games on the job for the good doctor.
He grimaced in disappointment. Despite his constant teasing and her customary rebuffing, he’d thought they were friends of a sort. They’d worked well together and had had a rapport. He’d been hurt when she hadn’t asked him about the accusation the company had levied against him, but he’d been pissed when she’d run out on him after their night at the Hotel Carlisle. And this was the first time he’d seen her in months.
Sanjay turned back toward the roomful of people who were waiting to hear what they thought would be a confession of guilt. “Sorry, but I’m leaving now. I’m sure you’ll continue to talk amongst yourselves,” he said right before he walked out, ignoring the renewed outrage as he did so.
* * *
“Ahm’ah need you not to be so mean.”
The smooth cadence of the voice came from behind Victoria. It was after eleven p.m., and besides security, she was the only one left in this part of the Goliath office complex known as She was surprised to hear the voice but didn’t jerk in response. Nor did she turn around. She did, however, stiffen, and she hated herself for even betraying that much. She knew that voice, knew it intimately. She heard it in her dreams, and oftentimes she heard it when she was awake and the owner of it was nowhere around. Memories of it and that one sex-filled and long-regretted night tortured her endlessly. She’d been dejected and looking for…something. She’d found it, and more than she’d bargained for, in the man behind her.
Sanjay Banerjee. She hadn’t seen or spoken to him in months—deliberately. She never liked to be reminded of her mistakes, and he had been a big one. Settle down, turncoat , she silently scolded her clitoris as it began to tighten from his proximity and seemed to pulse in time to the syllables of his name: San. Jay. Ba. Ner. Jee. San. Jay. Ba. Ner. Jee. Touch. Me. Suck. Me. Take. Me.
Okay, so the litany was coming from her brain, Victoria admitted, but he simply got to her —got to her on a purely sexual level. It was a combination of things: the heat from his body, which she felt completely blanketing her back; his scent, a light but heady smell of sandalwood and man; and then there was his voice. Lord, the man’s voice . That Southern-fried, slow-moving as molasses, deep, deep voice of his was just about as potent as great sex. Her knees had gone weak before he’d even finished his sentence. And though he hadn’t said it, Victoria had heard the unspoken “darlin’” tacked on to the end of that sentence. That was what he’d called her during their one night together…and in all the messages he’d left on her voice mail after.
She did her best to make sure that none of her thoughts —or her weaknesses—showed on her face as she slowly turned to look at the man she’d used as balm to her broken ego all those months ago. Oh, both of them had thoroughly enjoyed the usage, but it hadn’t been something she’d intended to repeat. Taking in his thick black hair, calm, dark, humor-filled eyes, lustrous dusky skin, full lips, and wide, muscled chest in less time than it took to actually check the time, Victoria lifted a brow. She knew he hated when she did that. At the moment, it was her only defense. “You are no longer allowed entry into this facility, Mr. Banerjee.”
Sanjay shook his head, his lips twisting into a smirk. Was that all she had to say? After a night of wild, unadulterated, uninhibited lovemaking where he’d had her everywhere but on a bed, and after four months of his reliving that night over and over again on a daily basis where blocks of time went by where he thought of nothing but her and what they’d done, all she had to say to him was that he was no longer allowed entry into the facility? And in that prim, professorial voice of hers too? Damn, she was cold.
And sexy.
Sexy because he knew that that prim and proper voice could also get low