when she looked at her friends. “Anyone up for Chinese tonight?”
They took the hint and didn’t ask her another question. And as they rose to leave for the restaurant, Victoria sighed in relief that the discussion was over. There was no way in the world she was ready to discuss the fact that the man she’d slept with was not only the hottest lay she’d ever had, but he was thought to be a corporate thief as well.
Chapter Four
Sanjay Banerjee pushed back from the large conference table and wandered over to look out the window. He was sick of the meeting, sick of most of the people in the meeting, and especially sick of his ex-boss.
“Mr. Banerjee!”
The lawyer impatiently enunciated every syllable of his name, but Sanjay ignored him. He continued to stare out of the window. The grounds of the compound were as lovely as they had been when he’d worked there. Several people went by on Segways, and he tracked them across the square. Two of them went toward the tennis courts, and the others veered off toward the enclosed, heated pool. There was also a gym, a half-size regulation basketball court, a game room, a sleep room, a café, and several other diversions to keep employees happy. The place was more like a playground for adults instead of a place of business, but Sanjay didn’t miss it. He’d felt stifled while working at MoonandStars.com. He frowned. He didn’t know why he’d allowed his perversity to overcome common sense and convince him to take this meeting. He snorted and grinned. Probably because I’m perverse.
Principle owner of MoonandStars.com, Zachary Tettler, scowled as he stared at Sanjay. He would almost hate the guy if he didn’t admire his ballsy attitude and brilliance so much. Despite Sanjay’s arrogance and odd ways, he’d always kind of liked him—he had from the day he’d hired him to work for the company. And that was why he’d been so disappointed when they found that he’d stolen from them. He’d also been surprised. Sanjay struck him as an honest man; he was too ornery to be anything else. His lawyer called Sanjay’s name again, and Zachary sighed. “Never mind, Andrew. It will do you no good. He’ll come back when he’s good and ready and not a minute before.”
“But —”
“Leave it alone. He’s a contrary son of a bitch, and your needling him will just keep him over there longer and drag this meeting out.”
The lawyer turned red with indignation. “ Needling him! I’m not needling him. I’m simply trying to get him to tell us about his theft, or why he believes his theft isn’t theft.”
“Leave it,” Zachary warned in a low voice, and the frustration in his eyes was clear in his voice as he watched Sanjay. In a wrinkled plaid shirt and jeans that were faded and white in several stress points, he still had the attention of both women in the room —Andrew’s partner and the paralegal. While he and Andrew—of course Sanjay didn’t ever bother to bring a lawyer—in their thousand-dollar suits barely merited a glance.
Zachary brooded a moment longer. Yes, Sanjay with his long, athletic body and pretty face had had a way with the ladies almost since he’d arrived at the company. But there was one lady in particular who had never fallen for his charms, and she was the one he’d been interested in. Almost everyone in the research department had known it, and the news had trickled up. Rubbing his chin, Zachary thought about his next move.
Sanjay heard the restless movements and the mumbling behind him and decided it was time to put everyone out of their misery. As he turned, he caught a bit of movement in his peripheral vision. He turned back and then frowned. There she was, the girl of his dreams. All buttoned up and not a hair out of place, she’d beckoned to his lust from the first. His frown deepened as he watched Dr. Victoria Howell turn decidedly toward the building that housed the research labs. That was typical. There were no fun