A World Apart Read Online Free

A World Apart
Book: A World Apart Read Online Free
Author: Steven A. Tolle
Tags: Literature & Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Sword & Sorcery, Teen & Young Adult
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trail that led to the large pond in the middle of the woods.  They sent in divers and dragged the bottom, but did not find any evidence of him; the trail simply ended at the pond.  The two guys were regarded with suspicion by the police, fearing foul play, but no charges were ever filed.  Talk around town mentioned a serial killer or aliens as possibilities.  Since then, most people avoided the woods.
    Jake had been seven when this occurred.  His home was on the other side of the woods.  He could remember his parents being worried and locking the doors at night.  They had been adamant that he was not to go into the woods or even play outside without one of them present.  They had hovered over him and his brother whenever they went outside.  But after a while, when nothing else happened, things returned to normal.
    Jake had never been afraid of the woods; he actually enjoyed the quiet and solitude under the trees.  He found that its reputation kept most people out, so he did not have to worry about being disturbed.
    Jake debated cutting through the woods, but decided to take the street.  Being this close to home had him feeling confident about his situation.  His music playing, he crossed the street and headed towards home.  His mind returned to thoughts of Sabrina and Tina, losing track of his surroundings.
    He was about a quarter of a mile from home, lost in his thoughts, when a car suddenly screeched to a halt next to him.  Startled out of his revelry, he spun to face the car.  As soon as he did, he recognized Donald's Lexus.
    The driver's door flew open and Donald jumped out.  Robert was already rounding the front of the car from the front seat while John lumbered out of the rear driver's side door.  Before he could react, Jake was surrounded on three sides with the woods behind.  Jake pulled his earbuds out and shoved them in his pocket as his mind raced to figure out what he should do.
    "I told you this wasn't over, asshole."  Donald said as he moved closer to Jake.  "I know you're a pussy, but to go crying to my girlfriend?  Now she is all pissed at me.  That is something else I'm going to take out of your hide."
    "I didn't go crying to your girlfriend.  Someone saw what happened at lunch and told her."  Jake said.  He shifted back a step and raised his hands, palms out; John and Robert moved to cut him off if he tried to run.  "Man, there is no need for this.  I told you that I didn't know you two were dating."
    "You should've checked."  Donald stepped within arm's length of Jake and stopped.  "You have been asking for this for a long time.  I should've kicked your ass at the party last year."
    Jake glanced at John and Robert, trying to see if he could get by them.  He didn't think he could and turned back towards Donald.  "Look, I don't want to fight, especially against three dudes.  Why don't                                                                                                                                                                             you…"  Jake began.  The next thing he knew, he was lying in the dirt, the left side of his face throbbing, Donald standing over him, smirk on his face, fists clenched.
    "That son of a bitch hit me!"  Jake thought, shocked.  His shock transformed into anger.  He pushed himself up to his knees and, before anyone could react, leapt up and charged Donald.  He ducked under Donald's arms, planting his shoulder into his chest and drove Donald backwards into the car.  The impact knocked the wind out of Donald's lungs, doubling him over.
    Jake took a half step back and lashed out with a right hook, attempting to knock Donald out.  His fist only made it halfway before it was violently stopped as he was yanked back by Donald's companions, each grabbing one of
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