“Sinclair,” he said coldly, regarding them first in the mirror. He turned. “And your charming fiancée… or has Miss Higgins become Mrs. Rowland Sinclair since we last had the pleasure?”
“No,” Rowland said curtly. He was fairly sure Campbell knew that Edna had never been his fiancée. “What do you want, Campbell?”
“I could ask the same thing of you,” Campbell said turning back to the mirror to adjust his tie. He didn’t wait for Rowland to respond. “This is a day of significance Sinclair, an historic day. Today we will take the first step towards smashing the corrupt machine of party politics from within. Democracy has had its chance. Australians deserve a better system.”
“This won’t work,” Rowland said. “Not here.”
“I met some gentlemen in Germany who might disagree,” Campbell replied. “Mr. Hitler’s government worked within the system to deliver the change the German people wanted… I see no reason why the Centre Party supported by the New Guard can’t do the same here.”
“You can’t seriously be looking to emulate the Nazis!” Rowland said angrily. “For God’s sake, man, Hitler is—”
Hodges pushed him back. “Shut your Red trap, Sinclair.”
Rowland might have thrown a punch then and there if Edna was not still holding onto his hand.
“You’ll find, Sinclair,” Campbell said, with restraining grip on Hodges’ shoulder, “that there’ll be no receptive ear for your Bolshevik slander here.”
Edna tried. “Mr. Campbell, you don’t understand. We were in Germany…”
“So was I, Miss Higgins. And let me tell you I was impressed. In orderliness and cleanliness, the Germans have no equal! They are happy and content and prosperous.”
“And what about the German Jews, Mr. Campbell—are they happy and content?” Edna asked.
Campbell’s reply was smooth, practised. “The only Jews I saw were eating in restaurants… fat, well-dressed people who scoffed at notions that they were persecuted in any way!”
Rowland shook his head. “Don’t bother, Ed. The man is an idiot, too vain to recognise what’s in front of his nose.”
Campbell’s face hardened. “What’s in front of my nose, Sinclair, is a spoiled Red sympathiser, a traitor!” He took a step towards Rowland. “You are not welcome here amongst the noble and decent men of the New Guard, comrade . Go back to your shirking Commie mates and wait for the judgement day that’s coming to you!”
“I won’t be waiting quietly, Campbell,” Rowland’s voice was thick with contempt. “You go ahead and follow Mr. Hitler’s plan, copy his every move, but you’ll find it won’t work in Australia!”
Campbell smiled. “You might care to watch yourself. Some of the lads quite earnestly believe you got off too lightly last time we crossed paths. They may decide to deal the justice that most loyal, right thinking men believe you deserve.”
“Rowly, let’s just go,” Edna said before he could respond. She grabbed his arm. “Rowly!”
Rowland nodded slowly. They’d already pushed their luck.
Four guardsmen, including Hodges, escorted them out of the anteroom, accompanying them down the street, well away from the crowds gathered around the hall in which Eric Campbell’s parliamentary ambitions would be launched.
“Right, Sinclair,” Hodges snarled. “Get lost!” He half turned away and then changed his mind.
“Rowly!” Edna screamed as the guardsman swivelled and swung.
Rowland ducked, pushing Edna back with his left arm whilst he led with his right. Of course, there were four New Guardsmen, and they closed in.
“Oi!” A shout from behind them.
“Harry!” Edna responded as she recognised the first of the two burly men now charging the affray. Harcourt Garden would help them.
With the odds now almost equal, the guardsmen pulled back and the confrontation turned into a heated skirmish of words, and even that was curbed in profanity by the presence of