Wrapped in Starlight Read Online Free

Wrapped in Starlight
Book: Wrapped in Starlight Read Online Free
Author: Viola Grace
Tags: Romance
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up in the throes of administration.”
    Yfana blushed. “Well, there is paperwork to be done.”
    Rolland sat back, “So, Kiiki. Have you given any thought to your partner? What are you looking for?”
    Kiiki blinked. “Partner? I haven’t heard anything about a partner. Do I need one?”
    Rolland and Zenina looked at Yfana with a frown. He said, “You didn’t tell her?”
    Yfana rubbed the back of her neck. “Tabr won’t do. We thought he would be a solid match, but she is more than we thought. He will not do.”
    Kiiki blinked. “I am more what?”
    Zenina laughed and patted her arm. “Just more. Take it as a compliment.”
    Rolland sat up with a smile. “Harken would do.”
    Yfana frowned. “Are you sure? I mean, he is a Nishan.”
    He nodded. “He will do. His talent is similar to mine, and his nature makes him suitable to guard her while she is on assignment.”
    “But he is a member of the Sector Guard.”
    “So? He lives just across the valley. It is no distance for him or for her. She owns the shuttle, so there is no issue with inappropriately using Sector Guard resources. Speak with Olaris, and see what he thinks. I do not see an issue.” Rolland sat back with a smile.
    Kiiki leaned forward. “What is a Nishan?”
    Zenina answered, “The Nishans are a species who are gaseous in their natural state, but they can and do take on physical forms. There are now two within the Sector Guard—Mist and Harken. Mist is mated to Reset, but Harken is single. I think he is male, well most of the time anyway.” She shrugged.
    “Oh. Good. It sounds confusing.” Kiiki frowned.
    Zenina smiled. “Don’t worry about it. Harken will find a body that you don’t find objectionable.”
    “That just sounds weird.”
    “It is, but that is the Nishan way, from what we can determine. They choose a body to match their task.”
    Kiiki sipped at the tea and ate a small sandwich. Her body had begun fine tremors of fatigue, but she didn’t want to be rude. She had been awake for thirty-two standard hours, and her body was tired, but insulting the Avatars was out of the question.
    This was no worse than the teas she had sat through when her parents had their co-workers and local politicians over for luncheons. Who could ever have guessed that her early life of being bored stiff would have given her patience to deal with very dangerous creatures?
    Rolland cleared his throat. “Well, Kiiki, as you are going to pass out on us any minute now, we will be on our way back to the base. Feel free to come there and request us anytime. You are company worth keeping.”
    Zenina stood, pulled Kiiki to her feet and hugged her. “You will have to come by the base for a medical exam, so feel free to call for me then. I want to discuss some designs for a research-and-repair hangar. It will be good to have someone to bounce ideas with.”
    Kiiki returned the hug, noting the power in the woman but unable to absorb her particular brand of radiation. It was different with Rolland, but she was not about to start hugging this woman’s mate right in front of her. Kiiki wanted to live.
    Rolland took her hand in a light grip as he left, and her skin glowed immediately. Solar power transformed to electric energy in less time than the speed of thought. He laughed and inclined his head. “You had best get that under control.”
    “Now that I am free to experience the full range of my talent, I will get right on that.” She inclined her head in return.
    The Avatars left her, and she turned to Yfana. “Is it all right if I go to my room now?”
    Yfana must have seen her exhaustion. “Of course. We will talk in the morning. I will get the request for personnel in to the Guard. We will know if Harken is willing to partner with you on assignments when you wake.”
    “Zenina mentioned a physical?”
    “We will discuss it in the morning. Go to bed, your eyes look hollow.” Yfana waved her off.
    Kiiki was so tired that she used the power to carry
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